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Galatians 2:11-21 “Building Again the Things Which I Destroyed” Galatians 2:18.

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Presentation on theme: "Galatians 2:11-21 “Building Again the Things Which I Destroyed” Galatians 2:18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Galatians 2:11-21 “Building Again the Things Which I Destroyed” Galatians 2:18

2 Why Did the Holy Spirit Have Paul Record This Story?  Not to embarrass Peter!!  To validate Paul’s apostolic authority  To Prevent Peter’s error from being used by the Judaizing teachers as support for their position.  To demonstrate that inspired men could sin.  To provide an example of LOVING and PUBLIC rebuke! Introduction:

3 Examining the Context  Peter had come to Antioch and worked among brethren there without showing any prejudice against Gentiles. (cf. Acts 10:48; 11:2 )  However, sometime later, brethren from Jerusalem arrived and Peter gave in to pressure and withdrew himself from association with the Gentile brethren. (11,12)  By doing this, he influenced others to sin along with him. (13) Introduction:

4 Examining the Context  Was not straightforward with the gospel. (14)  Taught and practiced a double standard--associated with Gentiles, but then went along with Jewish brethren when they arrived.  Thus, he undermined the very Gospel he preached. (15) Introduction:

5  Peter rebuilt an old weakness. (11,12-14)  Peter rebuilt partiality. (12)  Peter rebuilt his fear of men. (12)  Peter rebuilt a negative influence. (13)  Peter rebuilt the wall of separation. (14-18) Peter Had Built Again Things Which He Had Destroyed Introduction:

6  Lord, bid me come. ( Matthew 14:28... 30)  Though all men forsake thee, yet I will not,... I will NOT deny you. ( Matthew 26:33,35... 69- 75)  You shall never wash my feet. ( John 13:8... 9)  But God has showed me that I should not call any man common or unclean. ( Acts 10:28... Gal. 2:12) Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt an Old Weakness (11,12-14)

7  Inconsistency is a mark of immaturity. (Eph. 4:12-15)  Inconsistency opens the door for ridicule from those who are enemies of the gospel. (Romans 2:24)  We can (and at times do) allow our OLD ways to return; thus, we need to always be on guard. (Rom. 16:19-22; 2 Pet. 2:20-22)  Actions speak louder than words. Peter Rebuilt an Old Weakness (11,12-14) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

8  He had learned better and taught against it. (Acts 10:9-16,28, 34,35; 15:7-11; James 2:1-4)  He should have rebuked his Jewish brethren. (Luke 17:3) Instead of rebuking them for their error, he went along with them. Peter Rebuilt Partiality (12) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

9  Brotherly love makes no distinction! (Acts 11:12; 15:9; Romans 3:22; 10:12)  Do we, by our words and actions, teach against this sin? Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt Partiality (12)

10  “  “Fearing the circumcision” (12)  He had heard Jesus teach “be not afraid of them that kill the body;” (Matthew 10:28) yet, he denied Jesus. (Luke 22:54-62) Peter Rebuilt His Fear of Men (12) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

11  Peter's repentance was attested to… –By the bitterness of his tears. (Luke 22:62) –By his humble submission to his Lord's rebuke. (John 21:15-17) –By his courage in confessing Christ when danger threatened. (Act 4:8-12; 4:19) Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt His Fear of Men (12)

12  It takes courage to leave error and obey the gospel.  It takes courage to stand for the truth and oppose error.  It takes courage to preach the gospel to the lost. Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt His Fear of Men (12)

13  It takes courage to live for the Lord in an ungodly world.  It takes courage to oppose friends who practice error and who try to influence you to join them in unauthorized practices. Peter Rebuilt His Fear of Men (12) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

14  Peter’s problem was not what he truly believed, but what he practiced. He was not living up to his teaching. He was playing the hypocrite ! (Acts 11:3-13)  Barnabas and the other Jews were carried away (carried away with a flood) by this hypocrisy. Peter Rebuilt a Negative Influence (13) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

15  Barnabas was not a young Christian. This fact demonstrates the power of Peter’s influence.  Others are always watching us! We must be aware of our influence. (Matthew 5:13-16) Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt a Negative Influence (13)

16  This demonstrates the danger of following men, even those who normally are good, respectable men. (Galatians 1:6-9)  What kind of influence do you have on those around you? Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt a Negative Influence (13)

17  Peters actions were NOT in keeping with the Gospel. (14)  Peter’s actions upheld a position that had caused division. (Galatians 2:1-5; Acts 15:2) Peter Rebuilt the Wall of Separation (14-18) Building Again Things Once Destroyed…

18  Peter’s actions gave credence and legitimacy to the Judaizers ( 15-18 ), building again that which he had once destroyed. ( Acts 15:7-11 )  Peter also built a wall of separation between himself and God. He had become a transgressor. (vs. 18; Isaiah 59:1,2) Building Again Things Once Destroyed… Peter Rebuilt the Wall of Separation (14-18)

19 Conclusion: Peter Had Built Again Things Which He Had Destroyed  Peter rebuilt an old weakness. (11,12-14)  Peter rebuilt partiality. (12)  Peter rebuilt his fear of men. (12)  Peter rebuilt a negative influence. (13)  Peter rebuilt the wall of separation. (14-18)

20 Peter Preached a Better Sermon Than He Lived!! Conclusion: Peter Had Built Again Things Which He Had Destroyed

21 Actions Really Do Speak Louder Than Words Conclusion: Peter Had Built Again Things Which He Had Destroyed

22 Are we rebuilding things that we have previously destroyed?  Old weaknesses  Partiality  Fear of men  A negative influence  The wall of separation Conclusion: Peter Had Built Again Things Which He Had Destroyed

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