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Introduction to Choosing a College What factors should I consider?

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Choosing a College What factors should I consider?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Choosing a College What factors should I consider?

2 Agenda  Criteria to consider  How to get more Information  Steps to take when visiting college campuses

3 How to Select the Best College What factors should I consider?

4 Factors to consider  Academic Reputation  Friendly Environment  Easy Access to Faculty/Equipment  Costs  Housing Availability  Social Life  Prestige  Location  Size of classes/enrollment  Physical Beauty  State-of-the-Art Facilities Criteria

5 Factors to consider  Is the university ranked?  What are the average range of GPAs and exam scores for admitted scholars?  Do my grades and exam scores fall in the accepted range? Academic Reputation

6 Factors to consider  Are there areas for student life?  Are there programs/organizations available?  What is the feel of the campus during the school day and on weekends (i.e. are there students out and about the campus or is it mostly deserted between classes?) Friendly Environment

7 Factors to consider  What is the ratio of professors to number of students?  What is the ratio of technology to number of students?  How frequently do professors hold office hours? Easy Access to Faculty/ Equipment

8 Factors to consider  What is the annual cost of tuition?  What other fees exist?  Is the university eligible to be funded by federal funds/grants?  Is your chosen degree path eligible to be funded by federal funds/grants? Costs

9 Factors to consider  What on-campus housing is available?  What are the price ranges of the housing?  Is there a mandatory requirement to live in campus housing for any portion of attendance?  What off-campus housing is available?  What is the range of costs for off-campus housing?  Is a car necessary? If so, what is the parking situation?  Are there resources to connect for shared living situations? Housing Availability

10 Factors to consider  What clubs/activities exist?  Is there a freshman transition experience?  What surrounds the campus? Is it isolated or in an urban area with many different activities near by? Social Life

11 Factors to consider  Where is the university ranked in reports like the U.S. News and World Report of top universities?  What is the admission profile of a typical candidate? Prestige

12 Factors to consider  Is it local? Distant?  Is it urban? Rural? Suburban?  Am I prepared for the local weather? Location

13 Factors to consider  What is the size of the typical intro class (large lecture)?  What is the size of a typical seminar class?  How many students attend the college? Size of Classes/Enrollment

14 Factors to consider  Are the buildings aesthetically appealing?  Are the campus grounds aesthetically pleasing? Physical Beauty

15 Factors to consider  How modern are classrooms?  When was the technology room last updated? State-of-the-Art Facilities

16 Factors to consider Weighing the Criteria CriteriaWeight of Importance Academic Reputation20 Friendly Environment15 Easy Access to Faculty/Equipment 15 Costs10 Housing Availability10 Social Life5 Prestige5 Location5 Size of classes/enrollment5 Physical Beauty5 State-of-the-Art Facilities5 TOTAL100

17 How do Obtain This Information What do I do??

18 Steps to Take  Research universities online- click on the “admissions” tab  Fill out “more information” tabs to have more information sent directly to the address specified  Call admission offices with specific questions  Arrange for visits to local universities  Document all visits so you can reference them when completing applications later! At Home

19 Steps to Take  Meet regularly with our Road to College (RTC) team- this year consists of our academic counselor, Mrs. Villanueva. Next year will consist of academic counselor *plus* Dean of College Prep and College & Career Counselor (dedicated to juniors)  Visit the RTC office and college board to read brochures  Work with RTC to identify “best fit,” “dream,” and “safe” universities- apply to at least two “best fits” and one each for “dream” and “safe”  Connect with RTC to learn how to take advantage of potential “fly-in” programs for distant universities  Take advantage of the junior-year RTC trip At School

20 Making the Most out of your College Visit What questions should I ask?

21 When on campus…  Look  Listen  Read  Ask Questions  Feel

22 Ask students  What are the best reasons to go to this college?  What’s it like to go from high school to college?  What do you do in your free time? On the weekends?  What do you love about this college?  What do you wish you could change about this college?  Why did you choose this college?  Where do you live? What is it like to live here? What types of information can you learn from college students?

23 Ask admissions officers  What majors do you offer? What are your most popular majors?  What sets your college apart from other universities?  What percent of your students graduate?  What standards do you use for admittance?  What type of financial aid is available?  What is the total cost of one year of college at your school? What types of information can you learn from Admission Officers?

24 Ask yourself  Why is going to college important to me?  Could I feel at home here?  Do I like the environment?  Could I be friends with these students? Do I want to be like these students?  What do I like about this school?  What don’t I like about this school?  If possible, find a way to sit in active classes to get a sense of what the experience will be like. Then, ask yourself if this seems tenable for you. College is about you. How will you know if you are a good fit?

25 Act like a College Student!  Ask questions and be engaged  Allow yourself to daydream about going to school here  Leave the area better than you found it. When you go to college, it will be your home. Treat the college like your home for a day.  Be respectful This is your chance to be on a college campus

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