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Overcoming Challenges with B2B Sales Name Position, Company Website Steve Sienkiewicz Accelerate Consulting | Sales Xceleration

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Presentation on theme: "Overcoming Challenges with B2B Sales Name Position, Company Website Steve Sienkiewicz Accelerate Consulting | Sales Xceleration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overcoming Challenges with B2B Sales Name Position, Company Email Website Steve Sienkiewicz Accelerate Consulting | Sales Xceleration

2 The Current State of B2B Sales Complex B2B Sales Performance continues to Deteriorate From 2012 to 2014, the “Percentage of Revenue Plan Attainment is down from 89% to 81% The percentage of reps making quota is down from 63% to 58% The win rate of Forecast Deals is 46% This is worse than odds of Winning at Craps in Las Vegas – 49% For 59% of sales reps, it takes over 7 months to ramp-up to full productivity

3 The Current State of B2B Sales Sales Managers are Hard Pressed on Time to Give Reps Coaching. 74% of managers spend less than 60 minutes per week coaching to specific deals or opportunities. 81% spend less than 60 minutes per week coaching to specific skills or knowledge. Only 24% of organizations utilize a formal coaching process. When managers do formal coaching, the win rates of deals for their reps improves 20%.

4 Buyer: 6 vs. 5 (5yr avg) More People Involved Significantly formalized: 61% vs. 45% (5yr avg) More Formalized Process Customer requires formal ROI: 61% vs. 40% (5yr avg) More Political Decisions The Decision Dynamic Time Value Expectations Don’t Waste My Time Know My Business Know Your Solution Ask Insightful Questions Add Value A World of Rising Buyer Expectations

5 Signed Contract Product/ Service Delivery Sales Process Old World New World Client Expectation of When Value Is Delivered  Help buyer’s navigate the purchasing process; sharing systems and methods for evaluating decisions  Providing tools and methods for assessing/calculating ROI  Understanding and documenting unintended consequences of various decisions  Assisting in creating implementation plans Providing Perspective Value Expected Earlier in Buying Process

6 Top Sales Challenges for SMB B2B companies 1.Lack of formal sales process or know-how to improve 2.A weak value proposition and/or inconsistent sales messaging 3.Stalled out proposals, long sales cycles, and low Win rates 1.Lack of time to effectively coach or manage the sales team 1.Inability to take sales to the “next level” or acquire new accounts 2.Poor sales call planning and questioning skills by sales reps 3.Not able to recruit the right person or lack a target profile for one

7 Miller Heiman Sales Best Practices Study More than 30,000 participants over last 11 years. All Respondents filtered to reflect complex sale; 3+ decision makers. Study includes 3 sections: Demographics, Behaviors, Metrics Analysis defines key behaviors leveraged to drive performance. World’s largest ongoing study of complex, business-to-business selling and sales management practices MHI Global Sales System

8 2015 Study Demographics

9 Elements of the MHI Global Sales System

10 Key Metrics from leadingB2B Sales companies Qualified Opportunities New Account Acquisition Average Account Billing YOY Existing Customer Growth Quota Achievement Forecast Accuracy

11 Behaviors behind Metrics Drive Performance 7% 23% 7% THE ELITE World-class is comprised of a small percentage of total surveyed respondents in 2014 23% VALIDATED WITH RESULTS World-class outperforms all respondents on metrics examined by 23% NEW ACCOUNT ACQUISTION AVERAGE ACCOUNT BILLING YOY EXISTING CUSTOMER GROWTH QUOTA ACHIEVEMENT FORECAST ACCURACY QUALIFIED OPPORTUNITIES

12 Performance Accountability mmmRe ward m Reward Measure, Recognize and Reward Personal Professionalism Next Job Promotion Career Customers Compensation Commission Customer Success Team Independence Figure It Out Proven Process Performance Perception Excuses Results Sales Professional Sales Rep Accountability

13 Your Sales System: Customer Management Customer ManagementBusiness Management

14 Qualified Opportunities Sales and Marketing are aligned in what our customers want and need. We have a formalized value proposition that is very compelling to our prospects.

15 New Account Acquisition Our organization is highly effective in allocating the right resources to pursue large deals. When we give price concessions, we always get comparable value in return.

16 Average Account Billing Our organization regularly collaborates across departments to manage strategic accounts. We jointly set long-term objectives with our strategic accounts.

17 YOY Existing Customer Growth We know why our top performers are successful. Our management team is highly effective in helping our sales team advance sales opportunities.

18 Quota Achievement Our sales compensation policies are aligned with our business objectives. Our sales team consistently relies on our knowledge management system as the single source for collateral and information.

19 Forecast Accuracy We leverage the best practices of our top performers to improve everyone else. Our sales managers are always held accountable for ensuring the accuracy of our sales forecast.

20 Behaviors of World Class Sales Organizations Sales and marketing alignment Formalized value proposition Allocating the right resources Comparable price concessions Regularly collaborates Review results of our solution “Why” top performers succeed Management team advances deals Compensation aligned with objectives Single source for knowledge Leverage best practices Forecast accuracy accountability

21 Conclusion – Overcoming the Challenges Deep Customer Knowledge  Improved Sales Performance Effective Customer engagement  More, Better Opportunities Professional-grade sales competencies = Today’s Entry Ticket Deliver Value during the Sales Process -- not after the Sale Focus on Sales behaviors – not metrics – to drive Results

22 See me to participate in 2016 Miller Heiman Sales Best Practice Survey Questions? Steve Sienkiewicz Accelerate Consulting | Sales Xceleration Phone: (978) 515-9004 Remember to Complete the Speaker Survey: ‘click’ on speakers / select your speaker

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