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One Direction: What Makes You Successful? February 28, 2015 Mary Cagle, Lorie Hall, Kaleb Owens, Taneya Walker, Nancy Wolfe.

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Presentation on theme: "One Direction: What Makes You Successful? February 28, 2015 Mary Cagle, Lorie Hall, Kaleb Owens, Taneya Walker, Nancy Wolfe."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Direction: What Makes You Successful? February 28, 2015 Mary Cagle, Lorie Hall, Kaleb Owens, Taneya Walker, Nancy Wolfe

2 Alabama High School Graduation Requirements (24 credits)  4 English (regular/honors/AP)  4 Math (through Alg. 2)  4 Science (9 th :Biology (Regular or Honors; 10 th : Physical Science or Honors Chemistry; 2 more additional sciences junior and senior year)  4 Social Studies (Regular, Honors, AP)  1credit Life PE  Career Preparedness (1 credit)  ½ credit Health  3 credits in any of these or a combination of any:  Career and Technical Education classes  Foreign Language  Arts Education

3 10 th Grade Science Options  Two required options for science in 10 th grade, choose one:  Physical Science  Chemistry, Honors Another option is Human Anatomy and Physiology, but it is not required

4 10 th Grade Social Studies Options  Three options for social studies.  US History to 1877  Honors US History to 1877  AP European History  If you take AP European History you MUST take AP US History your junior year

5 Other Required Classes Physical Education: 1 Credit  Classes that meet 18 PE content standards:  Physical Education/LIFE  Check with your school counselor to find out what meets this requirement. Career Preparedness  If you didn’t take that class this year, you will need to take it before graduation. I suggest doing this in 10 th grade.

6 Other Required Classes 3 credits of or combination of:  Career and Technical Education  Foreign Language  Arts Education  Theater  Art  Band  Chorus Health  One semester class taken as a sophomore  Additional Electives 2.5 credits

7 Yes, Take a Foreign Language! Everyone will have the minimum requirements, set yourself apart with academic electives. Take at least two years to keep options open for the future  1 year required: Univ. of Alabama  2 years required: Georgia Tech, MIT, Davidson  3 years required or preferred: Brown, Dartmouth, Tulane, Ohio State, VMI, UCLA, Clemson  4 years required or preferred: Harvard, Univ. of Michigan, Williams

8 Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do I receive extra quality points for Honors and AP classes? A. Yes—a student received an extra ½ quality point for each honors class and an extra 1 quality point for an AP class.

9 Frequently Asked Questions Q : Do I have to take Driver’s education at school? A: No, it is not required, but does balance out Health, especially since there are not a lot of semester electives available. Also, you can get a discount on your car insurance. ***You need a Drivers Permit before the class starts!!!!

10 Naviance – What is it?  Connecting Learning & Life  Naviance is a comprehensive college and career readiness solution for middle and high schools that helps align student strengths and interests to post-secondary goals, and improve student outcomes.  The Curriculum provides core knowledge to help every student develop critical success skills for college, career, and beyond.  Students and parents who have email addresses in iNow should be receiving information on a regular basis about Naviance. Please see your counselor if you aren’t receiving these emails. 

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