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Welcome to Class Welcome back! Turn in your 1.3 vocab and questions from yesterday.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class Welcome back! Turn in your 1.3 vocab and questions from yesterday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class Welcome back! Turn in your 1.3 vocab and questions from yesterday.

2 Neolithic People Farmers

3 Neolithic  Paleolithic was the “old stone age”  Neo = “new”  Lithic = “stone”  Neolithic is the “new stone age”

4 Language  Grunts, gestures, signals  Also, “baby talk”, pictographs, petroglyphs

5 Clothing  Animal skins  Wool, sewn hides, leather

6 Government  Society: Organized group working under a set of rules and traditions  More people  Leaders

7 Food  Agriculture: farming  Surplus: extra amounts  Domestication : to tame living things for peoples use  Livestock : animals  Planting crops: Wheat, Barley

8 Shelter  Year round settlements  Permanent homes  Built walls to protect

9 Resources  Wool: from sheep  Leather: from cattle  Cotton: domesticated plants  Spears  Bones

10 Technology  Berries used as paint  Wool, leather, cotton for clothing  Pictographs: pictures painted to represent words as communication

11 Religion  Connected to nature  If good things happened, they believed the gods were pleased.  If bad things happened, they believed the gods were angry with them.

12 Occupations  Division of labor/ specialization: different people doing different jobs

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