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HSIS Internal Evaluation October, 2007. What Is This? Goal – Internal review of strengths and shortcomings to identify critical needs Conducted once each.

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Presentation on theme: "HSIS Internal Evaluation October, 2007. What Is This? Goal – Internal review of strengths and shortcomings to identify critical needs Conducted once each."— Presentation transcript:

1 HSIS Internal Evaluation October, 2007

2 What Is This? Goal – Internal review of strengths and shortcomings to identify critical needs Conducted once each (five-year) project period Conducted by internal staff, with input from external data users and FHWA staff (and external review team this year) Results will be basis for redesign of HSIS

3 Evaluation Topics Assessment of current information – can existing data meet current and future research needs? –Definition of research needs and thus data needs –Review of current jurisdictions’ data – will they meet the needs? –Assessment of potential new jurisdictions

4 Evaluation Topics (cont) Assessment of HSIS information dissemination –Marketing HSIS To sponsor (FHWA) Participating (and potential) jurisdictions Research Funders Researchers –Educating users about HSIS –Providing data to safety researchers –Developing information through internal research –Dissemination and use of HSIS results

5 Results – Data Needs Research data needs based on –FHWA safety staff survey and FHWA emphasis areas –Staff knowledge of HSM modeling efforts and various evaluation projects –Survey of key data users –Assessment of current HSIS files and problems

6 Results – Data Needs (cont) Critical data needs –Safety project inventory –Intersection inventories (including signal and pedestrian exposure data) –Curvature and grade data –Increased urban mileage with ped/bike facilities and exposure data –Roadside inventory –Interchange/ramp inventories –Work zone/construction project data –Enhanced exposure data (hourly counts, ped/bike exposure, improved truck counts, motorcycle exposure) –Geocoded data files

7 Results – Assessment of Jurisdictions Current jurisdictions –Data are now in good shape for at least 2000+ –Need more/better intersection, curve, interchange, safety project… Possible new jurisdictions –Detailed review of six states and one urban center Reviewed Traffic Records Assessments Inputs from TRA review team members Interviews with DOT safety and data staff –Two higher-potential states, still some problems in urban center –But budget reductions may keep us from adding any (so we are coming back to you!)

8 Results – Marketing HSIS Data Use by Sponsoring Agency (2004-06)

9 Results – Marketing HSIS FHWA –HSIS well-known to, and used by, FHWA R&D –Known (and used) by some in Office of Safety –Increase use by Division Offices? NCHRP –Used in 20 safety research projects over three years – significant proportion of safety projects Private research centers and foundations –Western Transportation Institute, Pavement Research Institute, American Concrete Pavement Association, IIHS –Certainly not all, but key ones

10 Results – Marketing HSIS (cont) HSIS web page is key marketing entry-point –3100-4500 “visits” per month in 2006, vs. 1500-2000 in 2004 –Need to continue redesign (e.g., on-going research, products) To researchers –Well-known to key subgroup of experienced researchers –Not as sure about new researchers entering field “University” is largest “sponsor” In 2006, 2/3 of university uses by students In 2006, 12% - 15% of “visits” to web page were “.edu”

11 Results – Educating Users Guidebook is key tool –All updated and pdf versions on website (HTML being updated) –Now doing “as occurs” updates on-line when possible –But not all users review the guidebook! Expanding educational mission? –Links to non-HSIS papers/resources on safety data and methods (e.g., MMUCC, MMIRE, EB methods, etc.)? –“Introduction to Safety Research Data” for new DOT and university researchers? –Downloadable “practice data set”?

12 Results – Providing Data Now 40-60 requests per year Data provided within two-weeks in almost all cases (often within one week) –Delays due to request for “all data”, discussions on data layouts, data transmission, file off line Must acquire annual inventory files even if crash data will be delayed

13 Results – Computer Needs Needed tool: –A method for identifying same location across years, given that there may be shifts in the mileposts. –Spatial (GIS) data should help GIS capabilities at FHWA site –GIS license and software for the HSIS lab –Computer with enhanced graphing capabilities –Basic staff training in using GIS software

14 Results – Knowledge from HSIS Internal Research Studies 10 major studies in four year (2003-06) –Study of Rumble Strips on Two Lane Rural Roads –Effect of Differential Speed Limits –Factors Contributing to Pedestrian/Bicycle Accident on Non-Urban Highways –When can Regression Results Yield Accident Modification Factors? –Effects of Pavement Edge Drop-Off on Crashes –Safety Effects of Shoulder Paving and Widening –Targeting Freeway Corridors to Reduce Fatalities and Injuries Between Large Trucks and Cars –Development of a SAS Tool to Do EB Analyses –Develop Before Data for Safety Edge Evaluation –Development of Speed Related Crash Typology

15 Results – Dissemination of Knowledge Developed with HSIS Data or Research Is it disseminated? Is it used? –Reports (2003-06) 12 journal articles, 7 other research reports or proceedings, 13 presentations (plus 10 at 2007 TRB Annual Meeting) HSIS Summaries – 3 published (need more), distributed to 1000 people or positions, approximately 12,000 downloads/year

16 Results – Dissemination of HSIS Knowledge (cont) HSIS safety analysis tools –GIS Safety Analysis Tools Spot/Intersection Analysis Strip Analysis Cluster Analysis Sliding-Scale Analysis Corridor Analysis –Updated to be compatible with ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 or 9.2 (October, 2006) –112 users from 30 states registered and downloaded since October

17 Results – Dissemination of HSIS Knowledge (cont) HSIS safety analysis tools (cont) –PBCAT (pedestrian/bicycle) software Extensive update by HSIS and VHB staff in 2005-06, on website in August 06 Since August, 648 users from 47 states and the District of Columbia and 50 countries have registered and downloaded the tools

18 Results -- Summary Feel that HSIS is in good shape –Meeting deadlines for increasing data requests –New computer operating system –Replaced two states with Ohio and two urban centers –Senior researchers in field satisfied –HSIS staff involved in major national research and data initiatives –None of you resigned!

19 Results -- Summary Room for improvement –Data needs (project history files, improved intersection inventories, additional curve and grade data, roadside inventories, enhanced exposure data, improved interchange inventories, etc.) –Increase HSIS Summaries –Decrease delay in getting annual data on-line –Acquire, learn and use GIS software and data –Improvements to web pages –Acquire data from new jurisdictions??? –Increase “educational” component for inexperienced researchers???

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