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Sales Tax and Tip SWBAT calculate sales tax and total cost; read and use a tax table; calculate a tip and total cost.

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Presentation on theme: "Sales Tax and Tip SWBAT calculate sales tax and total cost; read and use a tax table; calculate a tip and total cost."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sales Tax and Tip SWBAT calculate sales tax and total cost; read and use a tax table; calculate a tip and total cost

2 Definitions Sales tax The amount of tax added to the cost of an item The amount of tax added to the cost of an item Marked price The price of the item before taxes are added The price of the item before taxes are addedRate Ratio of the amount of sales tax to the marked price expressed as a percent Ratio of the amount of sales tax to the marked price expressed as a percent Total cost The sum of an items marked price and sales tax The sum of an items marked price and sales tax

3 Think Miss Brougham wants to buy an iphone. AT&T is offering a deal for $99. If sales tax in New Jersey is 7%, how much will the phone cost her all together?

4 Examples A $450 rug with a 5.5% sales tax A $926 dresser with a 3.5% sales tax A $48.75 meal with a 10% tip A $31 food delivery with a tip of 5% A $39.85 dinner with a 20% tip A $9.75 taxi ride with a 15% tip

5 With a partner Create a tip chart using the given paper. Come check your answers when you are complete. Come check your answers when you are complete.

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