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Allude Ferlinghetti alluded to Thomas in his poem “Underwear.”

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2 Allude Ferlinghetti alluded to Thomas in his poem “Underwear.”

3 Clairvoyant Palm readers are said to be clairvoyant.

4 Conclusive The investigation of the lockers did not prove conclusive.

5 Disreputable The disreputable restaurant had the worst food in town.

6 Endemic Surfers are endemic to California.

7 Exemplary Michael Jordan was an exemplary basketball player.

8 Fathom I cannot fathom why students do not bring books to class.

9 Guile Richard Hatch won Survivor through guile and treachery.

10 Integrity People with integrity are trustworthy.

11 Itinerary My flight itinerary includes many layovers.

12 Misconstrue You misconstrued my message. I really think you are smart.

13 Obnoxious It is obnoxious to put your finger in other people’s food.

14 Placate I had to placate my mother after smashing her car.

15 Placid The ocean was placid; there were few waves.

16 Plagiarism Plagiarism in your research papers will result in failure.

17 Potent I learned a potent lesson when I almost broke my sister’s arm during a game.

18 Pretext I stayed home from school under the pretext of being “sick.”

19 Protrude You should pop the big zit protruding from your forehead.

20 Stark The stark reality is that you will not pass with a 69%.

21 Superficial It is superficial to judge people by their appearance.

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