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MMrs….. II have been teaching…. TTo contact: call: 980-343-3755 WWiki page:

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2 MMrs….. II have been teaching…. TTo contact: email: call: 980-343-3755 WWiki page: http://amandadaniels.cmswiki.wikispaces.n et/

3  Principal – Rachel McKenzie  Assistant Principal – Andrea Runyon  School Counselor – Sarah Crist  Academic Facilitator – Amanda Daniels  Talent Development – Susie Miller


5  We will continue to use the Common Core State Standards  You can review them at:  Literacy: we will continue to work with Balanced Literacy: Every Child reads independently, reads with support, writes, and works with words each day!  Math: We will continue to use Investigations and other supplementary materials to be sure we are meeting the curriculum goals.

6  Think: Phonics, Daily 5, guided readings, spelling, vocabulary, read aloud  Upper grades focus is building stamina and ability to comprehend various text types at an individual challenging level. Moving towards 50% non fiction reading

7  Each child grades 1-5 will be using Daily Grammar Practice  In addition, teachers will build lessons to teach the grammar common core objectives in isolation.

8  Talk about major goals in your grade level,  Example: 3 rd works hard to memorize multiplication facts. Kinder write to 20 and count up to 100 ( think of things parents can help with, websites, strategies, expectations at the end of the year… what you do to extend learning.

9  We will continue to use “The North Carolina Essential Standards”  ew-standards/ ew-standards/  The district has provided us with pacing guides and curriculum guides

10  Give the major units  Do you have tests, are they open or closed book, how long to study? Is this included in your homework allotted time per night?  Projects: in class or home  Talk about labs and hands on approach.

11  Give the major units  Do you have tests, are they open or closed book, how long to study? Is this included in your homework allotted time per night?  Projects: in class or home  Talk about labs and hands on approach.

12  K-3 Dibles  K-5 MAP testing 3 times a year in computer lab or iPad carts (this is a diagnostic tool to help you teach to specific needs of children)  3 rd Grade Pre EOG – Sept. 10 th – 16 th  EOG Date May 28 th they begin(Please don’t schedule vacations during this time)

13  What is Shining Knights? ◦ school-wide positive incentive program ◦ (I will finish this slide on 8/28)

14 Matrix, positive/negative consequences. Communicate how you will let the parents know if they changed a color Do your parents need to sign the agenda each night to check on their behavior???


16  We have monthly school wide character traits we focus on as a school.  Duke and Duchess  Shining Knights – school wide  Class meetings – when & why

17  K-3 total of 30 minutes with reading log included  4-5 total of 50 minutes with reading log included  Add your specific guidelines and procedures

18 A: 93-100 Excellent B: 85-92 Very Good C: 77-84 Satisfactory D: 70-76 Low Performance F: Below 70 Failing

19  Class work/informal assessments (warm-ups, notebook checks, group work, in-class tasks, and class participation )= 30% of quarter grade  Homework = 10% of quarter grade (homework will be given as a participation grade)  Formal assessments (tests, major quizzes, comprehensive writing assignments, and projects) = 60% quarter grade

20  Four point scale  4 has been added : Expands Grade Level Standards  Discuss your grade level approach to the 4  Talk about how some parts of this is a growth document

21  New NC system for attendance and grades   You can access it from the CMS Website under the Parent Tab  You should have received your login information last week in the Home/School folder  Help Desk: 980-343-9420

22  The theme this year is…Wild About Reading!  The PTA has purchased Accelerated Reader Enterprise again this year for grade 1-2. We are so lucky to have access to over 100,000 tests. Thank you PTA!  AR will begin September 14 th ! Testing will not begin before this date.  PTA is in the process of planning a Kick off celebration on September 13. This is when your child will find out all the prizes and incentives for this school year.  Parents will receive a letter with your Home Connect login and all the details of this year’s program!  Home Connect allows you to monitor your child’s AR progress form home.  Specific questions:  (our Academic Facilitator)

23  Quarter Goal -read 3 books of different genres and turn in one form per book, per quarter.  Semester Goal – read and turn in a total of 6 genre forms (3 per quarter)  Your child will receive a formal assessment grade each quarter. (60% portion of grade)  We are focusing on different genres again. They will choose from 8 different genres.  This program helps meet the standards of the Common Core  Detailed information will be coming home with our Sept. 13 Kick Off

24  One project per semester.  Each project will have directions and rubrics to go with them  Parents and students will be given at least 3 weeks to complete the project.  Counts as a formal assessment grade  You might want to tell your parents what event you will invite parents in for (book parade, wax museum, poetry event….)

25  You must register as a CMS volunteer at:   You will receive an email that confirms you as a volunteer.  If you are from out of state it will take longer to run a background check.  Go ahead and register any family member that may come to the school. Even lunch visitors must be approved.  This is for the safety of your children. We appreciate your support!

26  In writing

27  Optional – add if you want

28  We go outside unless it is under 40 degrees  Indoor recess – Mr. Mark, games, we try to stay active during this time  Wear tennis shoes – we run laps almost daily  Maybe go over your football, lacrosse, … policy this is a good time to explain all that

29  Computer with Mrs. Tatsis (Winter)  Music with Mrs. Skala  PE with Mrs. Furr  Media with Mrs. Parrish  Art with Mrs. McCann

30  Be sure to give me your email address. This year we will be using Sign Up Genius for parent teacher conferences

31  Thank you for coming tonight and being a part of your child’s education.

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