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Airlines Satisfaction Survey Results December 2015 1 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Airlines Satisfaction Survey Results December 2015 1 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Airlines Satisfaction Survey Results December 2015 1 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

2 Sending Statistics 2 COHOR selected 147 airlines to which the survey was sent on November 2 nd, 2015. The selection was made on all airlines having historic slots on French coordinated airports in W15 and/or in S15. A reminder was sent two weeks later. By November 25th, end of the survey, COHOR had collected 47 answers. Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

3 Profile of respondants 3 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

4 Coordination 1/2 Initial Coordination 1.What is your opinion on the quality on our processing of your submission during the initial coordination? VG: 74,47% G: 25,53% P: 0% VP: 0% Post Conference Coordination 2.Are you aware of the specific reasons why COHOR could not allocate your slots as requested? Always: 89,36% Sometimes: 2,13% Never: 2,13% N/A: 6,38% 3.When you send a message to request a slot, what is your opinion on our response time? VG: 61,70% G: 34,04% P: 4,26% VP: 0% 4.What is your opinion on how COHOR processes your flights on the waitlist? VG: 48,94% G: 34,04% P: 4,26% VP: 0% N/A: 12,77% 4 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

5 Coordination 2/2 ORY 5.a) Do you operate at ORY airport? Yes: 17,02% No: 82,98% b) Are you aware that you can check your authorized quota, your scheduled quota and some other information online using our website (out of previous 17,02%) Yes: 50% No: 50% 6.In summary, what is your opinion on the quality and transparency of our coordination process? VG: 65,96% G: 31,91% P: 2,13% VP: 0% 5 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

6 Slot Monitoring 7.What is your opinion on the quality and efficiency of our slot monitoring process? VG: 59,57% G: 31,91% P: 2,13% VP: 0% N/A: 6,38% 6 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

7 Information Systems (1/2) 8.Do you have an account on our free of charge online coordination tool e-Airportslots? Yes: 59,57% No: 40,43% N/A: 0% E-Airportslots (out of 28 airlines having an account) 9.a) What is your opinion on the availability and reliability of e-Airportslots website? VG: 33,33% G: 59,25% P: 7,40% VP: 0% N/A: 0% 9. b) Do you have an ''OPS'' account on e-airportslots on which modifications and deletions are limited to a specific time horizon (3 days by default)? Yes: 82% No: 18% 9. c) In addition to the available online tutorial, would you need a specific training (organized during the next IATA conference?) Yes: 18% No: 82% 7 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

8 Information Systems (2/2) 9. d) Would you be ready to use e-Airportslots as soon as the SAL are distributed, for non capacity relevant changes (Flight Number, Waitlist, etc.) and capacity relevant changes (Time changes)? Yes: 77,77% No: 22,22% 9. e) What is your overall opinion on e-Airportslots? VG: 46,42% G: 42,85% P: 7,14% VP: 3,57% N/A: 0% 8 Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

9 Customer Relations 10.What is your opinion on the following: COHOR Website 11.What is your opinion on the quality and the relevance of the information published on COHORs website? VG: 35,55% G: 53,33% P: 2,22% VP: 0 % N/A: 8,88% 9 Very Good GoodPoorVery Poor N/A COHOR team availability during business hours (email, telephone) 68,09%25,53%2,13%0%4,26% Team Helpfulness in solving problems 70,21%27,66%0% 2,13% Understanding your business requirements 70,21%29,79%0% Efficiency of managing your outstanding requests 72,34%25,53%2,13%0% Quality of information provided during the conferences 68,09%23,40%0% 8,51% Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

10 General 12.What is your opinion on the following: 13. In general, what is your opinion about COHOR’s services compared to other European coordinators? Better: 36,17% Equivalent: 57,45% Worse: 4,26% N/A: 2,13% 10 Very GoodGoodPoorVery PoorN/A Neutrality and independence of decision making 61,70%31,91%2,13%0%4,26% Fair and consistent application of rules and regulations 59,57%36,17%2,13%0%2,13% Overall Quality of COHOR’s services 65,96%31,91%0% 2,13% Airlines Satisfaction Survey - 2015

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