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People of the Southwest By: Amber, Andriana, Bree, Emily, Leslee, Mason, Maria, and Morgan.

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Presentation on theme: "People of the Southwest By: Amber, Andriana, Bree, Emily, Leslee, Mason, Maria, and Morgan."— Presentation transcript:

1 People of the Southwest By: Amber, Andriana, Bree, Emily, Leslee, Mason, Maria, and Morgan

2 How Did The Southwest Indians Come Here? The Southwest Indians came from Asia, across a land bridge that connected Asia and North America together. When the land froze the sea levels dropped and a land bridge formed. Animals like Mammoth and Bison crossed the land bridge. Asian hunters would follow the animals and soon they migrated down to what now is North America.

3 What Did They Eat? The Southwest Indians ate corn, beans, squash, melons, gourds, pumpkins, and fruits, such as peaches. They made cornbread out of corn they planted. They ate rabbits too! They only had two meals a day, so they were very hungry. When they ate they didn’t talk.

4 What Did The Southwest Indians Wear? The Southwest Indians made their clothes out of things they hunted like rabbits for their fur. The Southwest Indians also wore other animal fur too. They also used bird feathers for head dresses.

5 What Did The Southwest Indians Live In? The Southwest Indians lived in pueblos. They also lived in Hogan's made of mud, tree bark, and wooden poles.

6 The Southwest Indians Weapons… The Southwest Indians used boomerangs to hunt rabbits. They also used axes, bow and arrow, adulates, and spears. They wove nets and built snares and traps. The Indians couldn’t go to Wal-Mart, they had to make their items themselves.

7 What Was The Southwest Peoples Climate? What Was The Southwest Peoples Climate? The Southwest peoples climate was very hot and dry in the Summer. Their seasons were wet from September to May.

8 The Southwest Language The Southwest Indians have many different languages. Here are a few words from the Apache, Cora, Hopi, Navajo, and Yavapai tribes. One is un. Two is deux. Three is trois.

9 The Southwest Tribes There are many different tribes in the Southwest but here are just a few. These are five tribes called Apache, Cora, Hopi, Navajo, and Yavapai.

10 The Southwest Religion The Southwest Native Americans worshiped many gods. They performed dances for many different things like rain, hunting, birth, and so many more.

11 The Southwest Customs One of the Southwest Indians customs was dancing. They would dance for many occasions and ceremonies such as weddings, births, and much more. Another custom is making pottery. Pottery is usually made of clay from the ground. Also another custom is a potlatch. A potlatch was a party where the host would cater for hundreds of people in a show of wealth, giving them with food and gifts.

12 Summary The Southwest Indians came from Asia. They ate fruit, vegetables, and rabbit. The Native Americans wore clothes made of rabbit fur. They lived in hogans and in pueblos. The Indians had weapons like axes, bow and arrow, adulates, and spears. Their climate was very dry in the summer, but wet in the winter. The Southwest Indians had many different languages. There were many tribes in the Southwest. The Native Americans worshiped many gods. They had many different customs.

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