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WMO CAS 2016 Report to WIGOS Sandro Fuzzi National Research Council Bologna, Italy ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO CAS 2016 Report to WIGOS Sandro Fuzzi National Research Council Bologna, Italy ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO CAS 2016 Report to WIGOS Sandro Fuzzi National Research Council Bologna, Italy ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

2 CAS/GAW activities since ICG-WIGOS-4 (1)  GAW is finalizing its Implementation Plan 2015-2023, in particular reflecting on the WIGOS contribution  Follows the concept “research enabling services” – the activities are around application areas rather than focused on GAW parameter specific areas  More focus on modelling tools and value added products  Provides clear framework for the programme implementation concerning network design, modelling tools, quality assurance principles, data management, collaboration with the other programmes  IP builds upon the premise that atmospheric composition matters - to climate, weather forecasting, human health, terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, agricultural productivity, aeronautical operations, renewable energy production, and more. 2 ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

3 CAS/GAW activities since ICG-WIGOS-4 (2)  Current application area “Atmospheric Chemistry” has been split into three areas:  Forecasting Atmospheric Composition: Applications global to regional with stringent timeliness (NRT)  Monitoring Atmospheric Composition: Applications related to changes of atmospheric composition regionally and globally less stringent timeliness (no NRT)  Providing Atmospheric Composition information to support services in urban and populated areas: Applications targeting limited areas (with horizontal resolution of a few km and stringent timeliness requirements (air quality forecasting)  TT-ObsReq is working of RRR process, some groups have already submitted the tables with requirements  GAWSIS is already an organic part of OSCAR 3 ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

4 CAS/GAW activities since ICG-WIGOS-4 (3)  In summer GAW had a data workshop and developed a concept of confederated data centers  All data centres will form the federation of GAW data, and will collaborate with GAWSIS to establish machine-to-machine interfaces for synchronizing at least mandatory WIGOS metadata with GAWSIS (an obligation under the WIGOS framework, as GAWSIS is the source of metadata of chemical composition observations for OSCAR). GAWSIS will hence aspire to serve as a global metadata portal for observations  Invited organizations: 6 GAW data centers, GAWSIS, WMO Information System, BADC, CDIAC, regional GAW representatives, US EPA, HTAP, Aeronet, NDACC, EMEP, EANET, MACC, GEIA, Aerocom, Debits, IAGOS, Global Carbon Project ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016 4  GAW had a workshop on Atmospheric composition and agriculture and discussed observations of mutual interest at that meeting (e.g. how to jointly deal with fluxes)

5 Planned activities for the coming year  Integrated, Global, Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG 3 IS)  IG3IS Purpose: to provide information on GHG fluxes with attribution on a policy relevant scale.  Implementation needs improved spatial and temporal resolution of GHG observation, increase complexity of the network, involvement of atmospheric, biospheric and ocean communities and improvement of modelling tools.  Implementation Plan drafting team is being established 5 ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

6 An Integrated, Global, Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG 3 IS) Over the next few years, governments will likely become more involved in efforts to limit atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.  Changes in emissions will vary by location and type  Strategies will vary by nation, region, and economic sector  Many nations are already pursuing such activities and some are coordinating efforts. Any large-scale emission reduction effort requires independent information to succeed. A suitable information system would include  ground-based and space-based observations,  improvements in transport and carbon-cycle modeling,  fossil fuel-use, terrestrial trends, and oceanic processes,  information about sources and sinks of greenhouse gases at sub- continental, policy-relevant scales. ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

7 Planned activities for the coming year (2)  GAW is planning a specific session within the CIMO TECO 2016 in September concerning monitoring instrumentation 7 ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

8 Issues to the attention of ICG-WIGOS (1)  Networking still remains and issue since NMHSs are not always optimistic in taking responsibility of atmospheric composition stations established in the frames of different projects 8  New GAW stations established  Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (UK)  Monte Curcio station (Italy)  Environmental-Climate observatory of Lecce (Italy)  Environmental-Climate observatory of Lamezia Terme (Italy)  Environmental-Climate observatory of Capo Granitola (Italy)  Cape San Juan (Puerto Rico) ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

9 Issues to the attention of ICG-WIGOS (2)  In the establishment of Regional WIGOS Centers it should be taken into account the existing GAW infrastructures in terms of World data Centers, World Calibration Centers, Quality Assurance structures to avoid duplication of efforts and organizational problems 9 ICG-WIGOS Fifth Session, 25-28 January 2016

10 Thank you for your attention Sandro Fuzzi Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate National Research Council Bologna, Italy

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