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Highlights of Current Research Ron Hays UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows August 10, 2007 ~ 12:19 pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights of Current Research Ron Hays UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows August 10, 2007 ~ 12:19 pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights of Current Research Ron Hays UCLA GIM/HSR Introduction to Fellows August 10, 2007 ~ 12:19 pm

2 Satisfaction With care HRQOL Quality of Care Other Patient Characteristics Patient Reports About Care Technical Quality Health Behaviors (Adherence) Preferences For Care Needs Assessment

3 Main Research Projects Health outcomes in cancer –National Cancer Institute IPA Linking preference measures –National Institute on Aging Item banking (PROMIS) –NIH Roadmap for Medical Research Initiative CAHPS –Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality –Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


5 Forthcoming Publications Tarn, D. M., Paterniti, D. A., Heritage, J., Hays, R. D., Kravitz, R. L., & Wenger, N. S. (in press). Physician communication about the costs and acquisition of newly prescribed medications. American Journal of Managed Care. Khanna, D., Hays, R. D., Park, G. S., Braun-Moscovici, Y., Mayes, M. D., McNearney, T. A., Hsu, V., Clements, P. J., & Furst, D. E. (in press). Development of a preliminary scleroderma gastrointenstinal tract 1.0 (SSC-GIT 1.0) quality of life instrument. Arthritis Care and Research. Vickrey, B. G., Strickland, T. L., Fitten, J., Adams, G. R., Ortiz, F., & Hays, R. D. (in press). Ethnic variations in dementia caregiving experiences: Insights from focus groups. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. Varma, R., Wu, J., Chong, K., Azen, S. P., & Hays, R. D. (in press). Impact of severity and bilaterality of visual impairment on health-related quality of life. Ophthalamology. Hahn, E. A., Cella, D., Chassany, O., Fairclough, D. L., Wong, G. Y., & Hays, R. D. (in press). A comparison of the precision of health-related quality of life data relative to other clinical measures. Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Farivar, S. S., Cunningham, W. E., & Hays, R. D. (in press). Correlated physical and mental health summary scores for the SF-36 and SF-12 health survey, V. 1. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. Khanna, D., Furst, D. E., Wong, W. K., Tsevat, J., Clements, P. J., Park, G. S., Postlethwaite, A. E., Ahmed, M., & Hays, R. D. (in press). Reliability, validity, and minimally important differences of the SF-6D in systemic sclerosis. Quality of Life Research. Derose, K., Kanouse, D.E., Weidmer, B., Weech-Maldonado, R., Garcia, R., Hays, R.D. (in press). Developing a Spanish-language sample report for CAHPS. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. Revicki, D., Hays, R. D., Cella, D., & Sloan, J. (in press). Recommended methods for determining responsiveness and minimally important differences for patient reported outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. Fryback, D. G., Dunham, N. C., Palta, M., Hanmer, J., Buechner, J., Cherepanov, D., Herrington, S., Hays, R. D., Kaplan, R. M., Ganiats, T. G., Feeny, D., & Kind, P. (in press). U.S. Norms for Six Generic Health-Related Quality-of-Life Indexes from the National Health Measurement Study. Medical Care. Hanmer, J., Hays, R. D., & Fryback, D. G. (in press). Mode of administration is important in U.S. national estimates of health-related quality of life. Medical Care. Weech-Maldonado, R., Fongwa, M., Gutierrez, P., & Hays, R. D. (in press). Language and regional differences in evaluations of Medicare managed care by Hispanics. Health Services Research. Hepner, K., A., Morales, L. S., Hays, R. D., Orlando, M., & Miranda, J. (in press). Evaluating differential item functioning of the PRIME-MD mood module among black and white women in primary care.



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