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Prof Robert J. Balfour Dean Faculty of Education Sciences Official opening 31 January 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof Robert J. Balfour Dean Faculty of Education Sciences Official opening 31 January 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof Robert J. Balfour Dean Faculty of Education Sciences Official opening 31 January 2014

2 »The Value of Teacher Education in the South African knowledge economy: bubble or bust? Die jaar vorentoeThe Year ahead Studentegetalle Student numbers ProgrammeProgrammes NavorsingResearch Strategiese beplanning Strategic planning

3 Studentegetalle Student numbers

4 Studentegetalle per Skool per program: 2013 1. Skool vir Geesteswetenskappe vir Onderwys ProgrammeAantal Studente 1 BEd-program 1.1 Kontak  Op-kampus 2265  AROS 106  CEDAR 69  NIHE 602 1.2 BEd (OAL)822 2. Graad-R diploma (OAL)58 3. NPOD (OAL)13277 2. Skool vir Natuurwetenskappe en Tegnologie vir Onderwys ProgrammeAantal Studente 1. NGOS 237 2. GOS (OAL)10297 3. Skool vir Opvoedkundestudies ProgramAantal Students 1. BTD142 2 BEdHons 2.1 Kontak190 2.2 BedHons (OAL)9178 4. Fakulteit: Navorsing ProgramAantal Students MEd81 PhD61 Inligting: HEDA management information Datum: 27 November 2013

5 ProgrammeProgrammes

6 Phasing in of contact programmes


8 Open Distance Learning programmes


10 NavorsingResearch

11 New Entities: Why and How WHY Edu-HRight –International evaluation August 2012 – HRiED group best research outputs and need to establish a unit –Application May 2013 ; Outcome October 2013; Final approved : November 2013 –ROU/PAS for 2013 = 3.068 (minimum requirement:1.5) SDL&TELHE –International evaluation August 2012 – sub-programmes should re- assess their focus and apply for focus status –Application May 2013 : SDL = Focus; TELHE = Niche –Outcome October 2013: SDL and TELHE become a Focus –To be approved : March 2014 –ROU/PAS for 2013: SDL= 1.089; TELHE = 0.314 –FOCUS AREA : 1.160 (minimum requirement: 0.75) 1.160

12 Importance of the outcome Status for the Faculty Two entities in the Faculty that produce research outcomes above the minimum level of requirement Edu-HRight and SDL have at present international links and is establishing scholarship in their respective projects One unit Edu-HRight is the only one at a Faculty of Education in SA and three international units are in the process to establish a permanent working relationship with the unit SDL-researchers are invited to take-part in international symposia on SDL also part of the new Focus Area: SDL & TELHE All entities have important links to the other campuses – researchers in sister faculties and international collaboration and funded projects

13 RESEARCH OUTPUTS201120122013 SCHOOL OF DEAN RESEARCH TARGET FOR FACULTY HUMAN & SOCIAL SCIENCES FOR EDUCATION NATURAL SCIENCES & TECHNOLOGY FOR EDUCATION EDUCATION STUDIES RESEARCH DIRECTOR Indicators - Academics12513313240375311 Indicators - All Researchers13013814040 5351 Research Outputs - Total92.4688.4087.007.0018.3549.158.500 Research Units: PAS / All Researchers in Faculty 0.7110.640.6210.1290.4590.9271.7000.000 Research Units: PAS / Academic Staff permanent 0.7390.6640.6590.1290.4960.9278.5000.000 RESEARCH TARGET0.690.700.80 0.901.50 1.000.80 DEVIATION FROM TARGET0.020.32-0.18-1.37-1.04-0.570.20-1.50 Articles units / PAS permanent academic staff 0.2280.1680.2350.0170.1580.3142.5000.000 Articles - accredited (published)3929455102730 Articles - accredited (accepted )11201406701 Articles - non-accredited121207500 Articles - submitted242629910910 Articles - in process21161302830 Conference proceedings - International02805300 Conference proceedings - National43100010 Conference paper delivered - International 7141804155272 Conference paper delivered - National2722802410 Project reports77401120 Books - published00100100 Books - accepted00000000 Editors of books03401300 Chapters in books - published7937292500 Chapters in books - accepted50400400 Contribution to encyclopaedia00000000 NRF rating771001621 Post-doctoral Fellows55703130 Research Fellow11201010 Extraordinary Professors23311100

14 RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY: FACULTY (ROU) ROU = Research Output Unit INDICATORUNITSUNITS x INDICATOR Articles131.0031 Books414 Chapters in books137 Conference peer reviewed proceedings0.5126 MEd students - completed133 PhD students - completed326 TOTAL87 Number of Researchers: Researchers (Academic Staff)132 Post-Doc7 Special Researchers1 Total Researchers140 Research productivity of all Researchers 0.621 Research productivity per Permanent Academic Staff PAS/ROU0.659 Research Target per Academic for 2013 0.80 (2014=0.90); (2015=1.00); (2016=1.10); (2017=1.20); (2018=1.30); (2019=1.40); (2020=1.50)

15 MEd and PhD students 2013 TEACHING INPUT UNITS MEdPhD Total Post graduate students Registered9166157 Students terminated after registering415 Active students in 20138765152 Proposals approved8155136 Proposals not yet approved61016 GRADUATED Graduated in September 2013325 Submitted for May 2014261036 Total291241 New postgraduate students accepted for 2014 Total registered students for 2014 46 108 23 77 69 185

16 Strategiese beplanning Strategic planning

17 Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel 27 Jan 2014 Kampusbestuur se opdrag aan prof Coetzee Terugvoering: a)Profiel van die Fakulteit i.Kompleks (Geskiedenis) ii.Navorsingsuitsette, meting verseker die realisering van doelwitte –Min personeel besig met navorsing –Vakgroepe wat in vyf jaar geen publikasies gelewer het nie –Die grootste uitdaging is sinergie tussen navorsing en onderrig. –Die oplossing is dat die Scholarship of Teaching and Learning uitgebou word tot ʼn Eenheid oor vyf jaar en so onderrig en navorsing saambind iii.Benutting van personeel ter ondersteuning aan akademici iv.Grootte van die OAL-komponent v.Vermeerdering van NGOS-getalle vi.Dialoog eerder as debat vii.Proaktief eerder as reaktief viii.Verbetering van Fakulteit se beeld in die Fakulteit, op Kampus en nasionaal

18 b)Riglyn vir die bepaling van ʼn visie en missie i.Die Fakulteit moet ʼn bestemming daarstel wat voldoen aan die Kampus- en Institusionele planne, wat ʼn oorkoepelende doel bevat en organisatories logies sowel as emosioneel en moreel logies is. c)Punte om te oorweeg by die daarstel van ʼn bestemming i.Waarom bestaan die Fakulteit? Wil ons oplossings bied in Suid-Afrika of die leiersposisie inneem ten opsigte van ander Fakulteite van Opvoedkunde. ii.Wat is ons “besigheid” en wat wil ons daardeur bereik? Het ons ʼn kompeterende voordeel bo ons eweknieë? iii.Hoekom wil ons by dié Fakulteit werk en waarin glo ons? iv.Watter standaarde wil ons handhaaf? Hoe wil ons optree en wat sal ons anders wil doen? v.Hoe sal ons weet dat ons progressie maak in ons uitsette anders as om dit te meet? vi.Wat is elkeen van die personeel se verantwoordelikheid en bydrae tot die Universiteit? Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel 27 Jan 2014

19 d)Overall purpose defined by strategic planning group Two suggestions: what do you think? i.Making a difference through and in Education ii.Leading through and in Education e)Important for all the personnel to embrace the following: i.What must we start doing?: –Everyone working together towards excellence –Action plans to improve our image –Work on defining what our common culture is ii.What must we stop doing?: –Underestimating colleagues –Stop passing the buck (take own responsibility) –Work to reduce bureaucratisation Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel Strategiesebeplanningwerkswinkel 27 Jan 2014

20 Thank you

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