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The impact of self-efficacy on mathematics achievement of primary school children 指導教授: Chen, Ming-puu 報 告 者: Jheng, Cian-you 報告日期: 2008/03/20 Anjum, R.

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Presentation on theme: "The impact of self-efficacy on mathematics achievement of primary school children 指導教授: Chen, Ming-puu 報 告 者: Jheng, Cian-you 報告日期: 2008/03/20 Anjum, R."— Presentation transcript:

1 The impact of self-efficacy on mathematics achievement of primary school children 指導教授: Chen, Ming-puu 報 告 者: Jheng, Cian-you 報告日期: 2008/03/20 Anjum, R. (2006). The impact of self-efficacy on mathematics achievement of primary school children. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 21(3), 61-78.

2 Introduction  Self-efficacy is 'ones' belief that he/she is able to organize and apply plans in order to achieve a certain task. (Bandura, 1997)  self-efficacy particularly regarding mathematics has been found to be a strong predictor of mathematics achievement in western settings. (Armstrong, 1980; Hackett & Betz, 1989; Pajares & Graham, 1999; Pajares & Schunk, 2001; Schunk, 1991; Zimmerman, 2000)  very less is known about how self-efficacy operates for non-western samples.  The present study examines the role of mathematics self-efficacy in mathematics achievement of Pakistani children in elementary grades 3 through 5.

3 Background Literature  high self-efficacy for mathematics exceeded the performance of those with low self-efficacy in mathematics at all ability levels. (Bouffard-Bouchard, 1989)  ability and self-efficacy to have strong direct effects on performance. (Pajares & Kranzler, 1995 )  most students were over confident about their mathematics capability. (Pajares & Kranzler, 1995; Pajares & Miller, 1994; 1995)  older students to be more congruent in their perceptions of mathematics abilities than younger students. (Phan & Walker, 2000)  gender differences in mathematics competence self-perceptions of students may still be prevalent. (Stipek, 2002)

4 Hypothesized  Mathematics self-efficacy is significantly positively correlated with mathematics achievement.  School grade is significantly correlated with mathematics self-efficacy.

5 Method  Sample Grade 3~5, 805 student.  Instruments Mathematics Self-efficacy Questionnaire (MSEQ)  self-efficacy to solve 20 mathematics problems  1~6, scores ranging from 6 to 120 Mathematics Placement Test (MPT)  20 items, 5 marks, total 100 Mathematics School Test (MST)  20 items, 5 marks, total 100

6 Results (1/7)  There is significant positive relationship between mathematics self-efficacy with MPT and MST.

7 Results (2/7)  boys and girls reported over confidence in their mathematics abilities in grades 3 through 5.

8 Results (3/7)  With the increase in grade, the correlation between MSEQ and MPT showed some increase.

9 Results (4/7)  In all grade, girls tend to be more perceptive about their self-efficacy indicating a stronger correlation with MPT and with MST than boys. Grade 3 MSEMPTMST MSE.14.12 MPT.34*.80* MST.35*.86* MSEMPTMST MSE.24*.25* MPT.38*.90* MST.36*.94* MSEMPTMST MSE.29*.21* MPT.40*.89* MST.34*.90* Grade 4 Grade 5

10 Results (5/7)  when self-efficacy was regressed on mathematics achievement, it was statistically significant for MPT and MST.  Mathematics self- efficacy was relatively a strong predictor of mathematics performance for girls.

11 Results (6/7)  mathematics self-efficacy could be an indicator for mathematics achievement but the gradual change in grade.

12 Results (7/7)  mathematics self- efficacy model was significantly supported at each grade level as regards girls, but as regards to boys, the model fitted grades 4 and 5 only.

13 Discussion  mathematics self-efficacy was positively and significantly related to mathematics achievement at each grade level.  愈高年級,數學自我效能與學習成就會愈相關,自我效能 感會愈準確。  女生的數學自我效能與學習成就相關性比男生高。

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