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Act IV. inundation IV. i. 12 “To stop the inundation of her tears.” Overflow noun.

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Presentation on theme: "Act IV. inundation IV. i. 12 “To stop the inundation of her tears.” Overflow noun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act IV

2 inundation IV. i. 12 “To stop the inundation of her tears.” Overflow noun

3 arbitrating VI.i. 64 “’Twixt my extremes and me this bloody knife Shall play the umpire, arbitrating the Which the commission of they years and ard coud to on issue of true honor bring” (VI.i.63-66). Deciding verb Arbiter: 1 : a person with power to decide a dispute : judge Handmade oil painting reproduction of Portrait of Richard 'Beau' Nash #1674- 1761# English gamester and social arbiter, a painting by Adrien Carpentiers Portrait of Richard 'Beau' Nash #1674- 1761# English gamester and social arbiterAdrien Carpentiers

4 ORISONS “Ay, those attires are best. But, gentle Nurse, I pray thee leave me to myself tonight, For I have need of many orisons To move the heavens to smile upon my state, Which, well thou knowest, is cross and full of sin” (IV.iii.1-5) 191. PRAYER Noun

5 culled “No madam, we have culled such necessaries As are behooveful for our state tomorrow” (191). Chosen verb

6 solace “But one, poor one, one poor and loving child, But one thing to rejoice and solace in” (201). Console Verb

7 dirges “Our wedding cheer to a sad burial feast, Our solemn hymns to sudden dirges change” (203). a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially : one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites noun

8 presage “My dreams presage some joyful news at hand” (211). 1 : something that foreshadows or portends a future event : omenomen verb

9 impeach “Here I stand, both to impeach and purge, Myself condemned and myself excused. (237). to bring an accusation against verb

10 Penury “Noting this penury, to myself I said..” (214) severe poverty noun

11 sepulcher “”The stony entrench of this sepulcher” (235) a place of burial : tomb nountomb

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