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No warm-up today. Instead, get out your books and turn to page 114 as we start prepare to read from the Rig Veda.

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Presentation on theme: "No warm-up today. Instead, get out your books and turn to page 114 as we start prepare to read from the Rig Veda."— Presentation transcript:

1 No warm-up today. Instead, get out your books and turn to page 114 as we start prepare to read from the Rig Veda.

2  Essays and participating in class…  Remember to finish yesterday’s Ancient India notes  Remember: Late essays are 10% off for each day late!  Make sure your Interactive Reader is here (if it’s not here now, remember to bring it to class on Monday).  As you receive portfolios for other classes, feel free to deposit them in your portfolios (before/after class).  Portfolios from other classes are due on October 18 th  Homework:  LAST punctuation packet– Due Wednesday.  Today, we will go over another Key Term– for homework, take notes on it!  Complete page 43 of your Interactive Reader.

3 STANDARDS Literary Response and Analysis 3.12: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period. (Historical approach)

4 We will be reading a portion of the oldest Veda, called the Rig Veda. Turn to page 114.  What is a “Veda”?  Volunteer to read:  “Build Background: Book of Hymns”?  “Build Background: Aryan Life”?  “Connect to Your Life”?  “Focus your Reading”?

5 PARADOX= A paradox is a true statement or group of statements that leads to a contradiction. They usually lead to a bit of confusion.  Example: “He who is blind can see the clearest.”  Example: “If you run the fastest, you will arrive last.”  Example: “Once you finally find truth, you will know that there is no truth.”  Example: “I always tell lies.”  Example:  The statement below is false.  The statement above is true.

6 As we read “Creation Hymns” and “Burial Hymn,” annotate (for understanding AND for analysis). Keep an eye out for the following:  What paradoxes exist and what is the point?  Who/what is “That One”?  What existed before earth?  What did Ancient Aryans believe about death? (how desirable or frightening is it? What happens to the dead man?)  What the mourners are told of death?  What is happening during this funeral speech? (Similarities or differences from funeral rites today?)

7 Homework: Complete page 43– “Words to Know SkillBuilder” in your Interactive Reader. Due MONDAY.

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