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AB900 New Jail Project. SB863  On November 2, 2015, County was notified that it would not receive SB 863 funding  County has $113,000 in a committed.

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Presentation on theme: "AB900 New Jail Project. SB863  On November 2, 2015, County was notified that it would not receive SB 863 funding  County has $113,000 in a committed."— Presentation transcript:

1 AB900 New Jail Project

2 SB863  On November 2, 2015, County was notified that it would not receive SB 863 funding  County has $113,000 in a committed account

3 Grant Award/Application Award/ApplicationAmount AB 900 (award)$26,985,422 Does not includekitchen

4 AB900  Cash Match - $1,422,000  County has expended over $600,000 to date.  For purposes of this presentation, County is estimating in-kind funds to be approximately $500K; the Sheriff’s Department alone is estimating over $418K

5 New Cost Estimates From Nacht & Lewis

6 Project Gap Gap increases from $1,027,918 to approx $4,340,518* to build kitchen facilities. *figure may be low construction costs were estimated nearly 12 months ago.

7 Kitchen Options Gap Funding  Build on-site kitchen$4,340,518  Use existing kitchen $2,500,000 plus addt’l staff.  Other options?

8 Cash Match$1,422,000 Expenditures to date($600,000) In-kind($500,000) Project GAP$4,340,518 Additional Funds Needed $4,662,518

9 Additional Funds Needed (if all assumptions are correct)  County needs to secure $4,662,518 to build jail and on-site kitchen  To establish the AB900 new jail project County must determine location, cost and funding source of kitchen.

10 Possible Funding Sources Fund OptionAmountRemaining Fund Balance Notes Accumulated Capital Outlay $320,0000 Geothermal Fund$350,000$129,000 Lake Siskiyou Hydro $1,000,0000 (+$1.5M Emergency Reserve) Gold Theft Insurance set aside $1,000,0000 (+remaining gold collection) These funds are in an Agency Fund SB 863 committed$113,0000 CCP Funds$250,000 CCP committed to contributing these funds Total$3,033,000 There is potential buyer interested in the Moonlit Oaks property the proceeds would be used- approx $285,000. Available Funding Sources

11 Financing  The Treasurer and Auditor-Controller are exploring financing of kitchen facilities through a CSAC partner, California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA)  Amount $5-6 million  Project Scope  Terms determined by rating agency  Financing team, bond underwriter, bond counsel  Time/Cost?

12 Questions?  Location, cost and funding source of kitchen?  Pursue financing of kitchen ?  Pursue establishment of AB900 project?

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