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Sao Tome & Principe This picture is from tome-and-principe.gif

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1 Sao Tome & Principe This picture is from tome-and-principe.gif tome-and-principe.gif

2 Sao Tome: Location. Sao Tome and Principie are islands that make up the nation “Sao Tome & Principie” on the Western edge of Africa in the Gulf of Guinea. It is about 250 miles away from Gabon, a country on continental Africa. The capital city is Sao Tome, with the coordinates of 0° 20′ 10″ N, 6° 40′ 53″ E. This picture is from e_and_Principe.gif e_and_Principe.gif

3 Sao Tome: Regions. Since this an island nation, all of it’s borders are water. Those waters would be the Gulf of Guinea off the coast of Western Africa in the Atlantic Ocean. There are many ethnic groups in Sao Tome. Some are Mesticos, Anglores (descendants of slaves), Forros (descendants of freed slaves), Servicals (contracted workers), Tongas (children of contracted workers), and Portuguese-Europeans. Picture is from PM2OBo/SCMNfg6MLYI/AAAA AAAAA90/JxjdDTivFR4/s400/gul f%2Bguinea.jpg

4 Sao Tome: Place. Sao Tome & Principie are volcanic islands. Therefore they are a little hilly and rather rocky. On both islands, there are narrow, flat areas as you go inland. The coasts have clear waters and pretty beaches. Since Sao Tome is near the Equator, it would have some rainforests. Sao Tome & Principie are rich in natural resources. Some of those resources would be fruit, oil, cocoa (and chocolate), bananas, and coffee. Most of the people on the main island (Sao Tome) live near the capital, Sao Tome. Sixty percent live in the capital, and forty percent live around/very close to the capital. The other island, Principie, doesn’t have as many inhabitants, but it is decent enough to live on (despite the city is not nearby/ on the island). Picture is from _Tome_Capital_Market.jpg _Tome_Capital_Market.jpg

5 Sao Tome: Human- Environment Interaction The climate on Sao Tome & Principie is continuously hot and humid. Rainy season happens from October to May, and the dry season runs from June to September. The climate does affect the way of life in this country. Since most of the country’s major exports are farming goods and fish, strong sunlight and too much/too little rain would affect the country very much. Especially jobs and the international trade. Picture is from… es/weather.jpg es/weather.jpg

6 Sao Tome: Movement of People and Goods. Sao Tome was a colony under Portuguese rule. That is why Sao Tome has Portuguese as it’s official language. Since Sao Tome & Principie is an island nation, it has many “island” exports and many imports that are very much needed. It’s exports are cocoa (the majority of their exports), coffee, coconut, and palm kernels. It’s imports are machinery, food, electrical equipment, and petroleum products. Every country must have a great travel destination. Sao Tome & Principie’s travel destination is the capital city, IIheu Bom Bom, and the nearby beaches. Picture is from m/wp- content/uploads/cache/ 2010/07/9e41e-cocoa- 1.jpg m/wp- content/uploads/cache/ 2010/07/9e41e-cocoa- 1.jpg

7 Fun Facts about Sao Tome & Principie. Did you know that… The name of Sao Tome came from the Portuguese explorers who landed on the feast day of Saint Thomas? Sao Tome & Principie gained independence from Portugal on July 12, 1975? The country is the second smallest country in Africa and the smallest in the world that wasn’t a former British overseas territory, a former U.S trusteeship or one of the European microstates? It’s one of the first African countries that adopted democratic reforms and changed it’s constitution? Malaria is the lead death-causing disease in the country? The Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, Angola, Germany, USA and Brazil are the main trading partners of the nation? Picture is from: http://www.crwflags.c om/fotw/flags/pt.html http://www.crwflags.c om/fotw/flags/pt.html

8 Sao Tome: On the island. Here are some pictures of what Sao Tome & Principie looks like. Picture is from: /sao_tome_400.jpg /sao_tome_400.jpg Picture is from: dia/commons/0/ 0d/Sao_tome_p alace.jpg dia/commons/0/ 0d/Sao_tome_p alace.jpg Picture is from: http://www.africas- //Image/tours/africas %20undiscovered%2 0paradise/sao-tome- tour1.jpg http://www.africas- //Image/tours/africas %20undiscovered%2 0paradise/sao-tome- tour1.jpg

9 Sao Tome: On the island, Pt. II Picture is from: http://travel.natio m/places/images/ photos/photo_lg_ saotomeandprinc ipe.jpg http://travel.natio m/places/images/ photos/photo_lg_ saotomeandprinc ipe.jpg Picture by: http://images.travelpod.c om/users/tom-of- boracay/5.1229257680.p ict0678.jpg Picture is from (right): http://www.expat- n/sao-tome-and- principe.jpg

10 Credits. Miss Cotter. Pictures are sited on each powerpoint slide. Each picture was found on Google images. Google. These sites: principe-10382.html government-capital-city-geographic-coordinates and-Pr-ncipe.html

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