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What endeared Jonathan to David? …to us? I. Undaunted Courage.

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Presentation on theme: "What endeared Jonathan to David? …to us? I. Undaunted Courage."— Presentation transcript:

1 What endeared Jonathan to David? …to us? I. Undaunted Courage

2 1. Commanded one-third of Israel’s army, 1 Sm. 13:2 (v.5) 2. Led an attack against Philistines, v.3  Most draftees hid (6-7)... In cavesIn thickets In rocksIn holes In pitsOver Jordan

3 1. Commander 2. Surprise attack 3. Scouted Philistine defenses… *Attacked (1 Sm.14:1…7-14) *Routed (1 Sm.14:21-24) People didn’t know (14:1-3). Humility Seems foolish (14:6). Faith (Jo.23:10)

4 Michmash

5 II. Self-Sacrificing Friendship I. Undaunted Courage

6 1 Sm.17 1 Sm.18:1 1 Sm.19:2 2 Sm.1:26 Devotion to David left him w. nothing to gain, yet he maintained it

7 Jonathan’s three covenants 1. Loved David as his own soul 1. Loved David as his own soul, 18:3-4 – Jn.13:1; 15:13; Ro.8:37 (Mt.26:28) 2. Protected David from Saul 2. Protected David from Saul, 1 Sm.20 What are we saved from? Our Sin What is the consequence? God’s Wrath

8 God’s love sought to save Ep.2:4 1 Jn.4:10 God’s justice required wrath Jn.3:36 Ro.1:18 God’s Son: the solution 1 Th.5:9

9 3.Reassured David 1. Loved David as own soul, 18:1-4 2. Protected David from Saul, 20 3. Reassured David, 1 Sm.23:18  Jn.5:25  Ac.2:36  1 Jn.3:19

10 Pro.18:24 We can be Lord’s friend, Jn.15:14-15 (Jn.11:11; Ja.2:23) We can befriend each other, Jn.13:34. 3 Jn.14 “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies” – Aristotle

11 I. Undaunted Courage II. Self-Sacrificing Friendship III. Encouraging Words

12 1 Sm.23:14-16 David was in trouble. Ps.52, 54, 57, 59 Jonathan came w. help No soldiers No money No weapons No pardon

13 Jonathan brought encouragement 1 Sm.23: 16, strengthened hand in the Lord 17, David would rule, not Jonathan 18, renewed their covenant Ac.4:36; 11:23; 15:31…

14 I. Undaunted Courage II. Self-Sacrificing Friendship III. Encouraging Words IV. Faithfulness Until Death

15 1 Sm.31 Mount Gilboa - Jonathan remained true to David and devoted to his father 2 Sm.1:23. Got along w. everyone  Ph.2:3  2 Sm.1:12, 17-27

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