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Female Reproductive Hormones Comprises of two main groups: 1. Steroid hormones 2. Trophic hormones.

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Presentation on theme: "Female Reproductive Hormones Comprises of two main groups: 1. Steroid hormones 2. Trophic hormones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Female Reproductive Hormones Comprises of two main groups: 1. Steroid hormones 2. Trophic hormones

2 Steroid Hormones A group of lipids derived from cholesterol comprising of 4 link carbon rings. Cyclohexaphenanthrene ring. Can be classified according to number of carbon items. C18 Oestrogen C19 Androgens C21 progestogens

3 Diagram

4 Oestrogen Structure and chemistry. These are aromatic C18 steriods. They are of three types: 1.Oestradial 2 Oestrial. 3 Oestrone.

5 Diagram

6 Bio Symptomis Produced in the 1 ovaries and Adrerals cortex. Oestridiol by membrana granulosa and the theca interna in increasing amounts as the follicle (with peek just before ovulation) 2 Adipose Tissues.

7 Circulation and Metabolism

8 Actions A.Secondary sex characters. B.Secondary Sex Organs. C.Endocrime System. D.Locomotor System. E.Blood. F.General.

9 Secondary sex characters. Major role in determining feminine sensitivity, shyness, soft skin and luxuriant scalp hair and bust development at puberty

10 Vulva and Vagina Increases vascularity. Stimulates epithelial activity Causes deposition of glycogen and encourages cornification of superficial vaginal cells

11 Uterus Increases vascularity. Causes hypertrophy of myometrium and improves its contractility and sensitivity to oxytocic drugs. Brings about prolifirationof endometius glands and compation of stroma. Increases growth and scretery activity of cervical epithelium.

12 Flopian tubes Increases vescularity, hypertrophy and plastitastic movement of muscles and cilial and secretory activity. Breast. Increases vascularity, pigmentation of areola.Epithelial growth of lacteal ducts and nipples.

13 Endocrine System Oestrogen depress the output of FSH and lactogenic hormones, but stimulate the production of luteinizing hormone (LH) and adrenotrophic hormone.

14 Locomotor System Oestrogen conserves calcium and phosphorus and encourages bone formation.

15 Blood Oestrogens increase the coagulability of the blood by raising the level of fibrinogen and of factors VII,VIII and X, and by making the platelets more adhesive.

16 General Causes nitrogen, sodium and fluid retention in the body.Lowers the level of blood cholesterol.

17 Progesterone Produced by the ovary. Metabolized in the liver. Excreted in the urine in the form of pregananedial.

18 Secondary Sex Organs Genital Tract Causes hypertrophy of the myometrium, but it also brings about an increase in the number of muscle fibers such as occure early in pregnancy. It influences spontaneous uterine contractions. progesterone increases the thickness of the endometrium by enlarging the glands and by rendering the stroma oedematous. It promotes endometrial enzymatic activity, induces the glands, already proliferated by oestrogen, to secrete and brings about a decidual reaction in the stroma.

19 Breast Progesterone acts in conjunction with oestrogen in producing breast development at puberty and during pregnancy. It stimulates the epithelium of the acini rather than of the ducts, but does not induce lactation.

20 Endocrine System It may first encourage and then inhibit the production of LH releasing factor (LHRF) to control the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle.

21 General The sodium- and fluid-retaining effects of progesterone are similar to those of other steroids. Progesterone promotes the secretion of sebum by the skin and makes scalp hair more greasy;progesterone is thermogenic and raises the temperature by 0.2-0.5 o C. Progesterone relaxes smooth muscle throughout the body.

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