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Who Killed Kennedy? Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Killed Kennedy? Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Killed Kennedy? Mr. Bach Hudson High School United States History

2 The Lone Assassin – Lee Harvey Oswald Official conclusion of the Warren Commission Motive: Had ties to the Soviet Union and Communist Cuba Means: Had the skill as a former Marine sharpshooter Benefit: Crazed Gunman

3 The Mafia Motive: Mob helped get JFK elected; Betrayed by RFK (went after Mob as Attorney General); Betrayed over refusal to invade Cuba Means: Skilled in assassinations Benefit: Removes RFK from AG Office

4 The Cuban Exiles Motive: Hated JFK for betrayal over Bay of Pigs Invasion Means: Members trained by CIA as skilled marksmen Benefit: Hard-liner, anti-Castro back in office?; Revenge?

5 The Soviet Union/Castro Motive: Humiliation in Cuban Missile Crisis; Repeated assassination attempts on Castro Means: Access to KGB assassins Benefit: Sends a message of Soviet strength

6 The Federal Reserve Motive: Kennedy’s Executive Order 11,110 to print Silver Certificates (Bypasses Fed) Means: Huge wealth of international bankers (unlimited resources) Benefit: Maintains authority of Fed over U.S. monetary policy

7 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Motive: Perceived weakness of JFK vs. Soviets; Threat to break up CIA after Bay of Pigs Means: Skilled in assassinations and “denying all knowledge” Benefit: Hard-line anti- Communist as President; maintains agency

8 The Military-Industrial Complex Motive: Would stand to lose a lot of money if JFK pulled U.S. forces out of Vietnam Means: Access to advanced weapons and people who would know how to use them Benefit: LBJ increases involvement in Vietnam War

9 Lyndon Baines Johnson Motive: Would become president after assassination; hated the Kennedys Means: Had close ties to powerful people in Defense Industry and CIA Benefit: Presidency!

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