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Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program (RDETAP) Robert Pollack October 25, 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program (RDETAP) Robert Pollack October 25, 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program (RDETAP) Robert Pollack October 25, 2015 1

2 FHWA Roadway Safety Data Program 2 Fewer Fatalities & Serious Injuries Better Targeted Safety Investment More Informed Decision Making Improved Data Collection & Analysis

3 Data Driven Approaches to Accomplish Safety Benefits Strategic Safety Plan Vision: Toward zero deaths and serious injuries on the Nations roadways Goal 3: Program and Service Delivery 3.1: Improve safety data and expand capabilities for analysis and evaluation. 3.2 : Enhance strategic highway safety planning 3.3 : Develop and promote roadway safety improvements 3.4: Establish and implement the safety element of Transportation Performance Management program

4 Data-Driven Safety Challenges What data to collect, how much to collect, what type of analysis to perform, and evaluation of safety improvement. FHWA tools to address these challenges include: – MIRE Data Elements to identify data to collect – RDIP to determine quality of data collected – HSM to evaluate and estimate safety benefits – RSDP to continue to improve safety data systems

5 Roadway Safety Data Program (RSDP) Elements 5 Data Guidance Resource Development Technical Assistance Training

6 Project Motivation Highway safety data are vital to making sound decisions on the safe design and operation of roadways. MAP-21 Guidance -State safety data systems must support performance measures -Includes guidance on collection, integration, improvement, and analysis of safety data -Required identification of Fundamental Data Elements, a subset of MIRE elements Bottom line: Agencies with access to a reliable inventory of roadway features and crash data are better equipped to develop strategies that address deficiencies, using a focused and organized approach. 6

7 Prior Project: MIRE-MIS Development of two prototype data extraction tools: – NHDOT Runs on an ArcGIS platform. Scope is intersections and related intersection legs. – WSDOT Requires proprietary software. Incorporates intersection, traffic, geometry, route, speed limit, and turning movements data. 7

8 Roadway Data Extraction Technical Assistance Program (RDETAP) Principals Involved in Project

9 RDETAP Progress Starting with prototype tool developed for NHDOT, the TTI team: – Fixed minor bugs/errors within the models – Developed documentation – “Genericized” the tool to be better suited to work with other States’ data – Initialized a pilot study using TxDOT roadway inventories as “proof-of-concept” 9

10 RDETAP Future Steps Immediate: – Complete pilot study with WSDOT data – Complete pilot study with MODOT data Long-term: – Further refine documentation, incorporating lessons-learned from pilot studies – Develop and distribute a user guide and a programmer guide for the tool – Provide technical assistance to additional agencies – Potential tool enhancement (road segments, ramps/interchanges) – Conduct further pilot studies with RDETAP 10

11 Contact Information Bob Pollack 202-366-5019 11

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