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ECR National Initiatives workshop Autumn 2002. ECR National Initiatives workshop Summary 19 National Initiatives polled 15 answers received 4 clear areas.

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Presentation on theme: "ECR National Initiatives workshop Autumn 2002. ECR National Initiatives workshop Summary 19 National Initiatives polled 15 answers received 4 clear areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECR National Initiatives workshop Autumn 2002

2 ECR National Initiatives workshop Summary 19 National Initiatives polled 15 answers received 4 clear areas of focus 1 new topic suggested 0 dates agreed upon

3 ECR National Initiatives workshop Rankings Nr. 1 Implementation ECR processes Nr. 2 Training/knowledge sharing Nr. 3a SME integration Nr. 3b Food/Consumer safety Nr. 4 ECR in non-food Nr. 5 Consumer research Nr. 6 Future topics for ECR Europe

4 ECR National Initiatives workshop Rankings Nr. 1 Implementation ECR processes Nr. 2 Training/knowledge sharing Nr. 3a SME integration Nr. 3b Food/Consumer safety Nr. 4 ECR in non-food Nr. 5 Consumer research Nr. 6 Future topics for ECR Europe

5 ECR National Initiatives workshop Rankings Nr. 1 Implementation ECR processes Nr. 2 Training/knowledge sharing Nr. 3a SME integration Nr. 3b Food/Consumer safety Nr. 4 ECR in non-food Nr. 5 Consumer research Nr. 6 Future topics for ECR Europe

6 ECR National Initiatives workshop Rankings Nr. 1 Implementation ECR processes Nr. 2 Training/knowledge sharing Nr. 3a SME integration Nr. 3b Food/Consumer safety Nr. 4 ECR in non-food Nr. 5 Consumer research Nr. 6 Future topics for ECR Europe

7 ECR National Initiatives workshop Suggestion one-day workshop in Brussels three groups each group discusses one topic in depth each group gives input to the other groups’ preliminary findings agreement on direction and path forward in plenum discussion on future ECR Europe topics

8 ECR National Initiatives workshop Implementation of ECR processes including training and SME integration Consumer (food) safety including the 3xC aspect of ECR ECR into new sectors e.g. fresh, hardware (do-it-yourself) In plenum session: Retailers on board

9 ECR National Initiatives workshop Dates ?

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