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INTERREG Deutschland-Nederland The experiences of support of SMEs in the field of economy and knowledge transfer ISTVÁN PÁLFI DAY 2013 - October 15 th,

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Presentation on theme: "INTERREG Deutschland-Nederland The experiences of support of SMEs in the field of economy and knowledge transfer ISTVÁN PÁLFI DAY 2013 - October 15 th,"— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERREG Deutschland-Nederland The experiences of support of SMEs in the field of economy and knowledge transfer ISTVÁN PÁLFI DAY 2013 - October 15 th, Budapest Martijn Spaargaren, MA Joint Technical Secretariat INTERREG IV A Germany-Netherlands

2 2 INTERREG DE-NL: programme area  12 mln inhabitants  55.000 companies  24 universities and other institutions of higher education

3 3 Some core facts  Total ERDF Budget (Programme) = € 138 mln.  Priority 1 (Economy, technology and innovation) = 58%  Number of SME involved as project partner = 350  Private participation to the program = € 41,6 mln.

4 4 How to realise innovative projects?  Bottom-up  Building trust and networks: this takes time  Innovation in INTERREG IV as a result of cooperation in INTERREG I - III  Intensive support

5 5 Project example – Healthy Greenhouse  Sustainability goals ask for reduced use of chemicals in greenhouses  Dutch – German research on disease identification techniques  Implementation (pilot) in SMEs  Ready-to-market products as result

6 6 Challenges  European and national legislation  Accessibility and Administrative burdens  Communicating the added value of ETC

7 7 Plans for the future – INTERREG V  Innovation will be a central objective of a new ETC/INTERREG Programme  Building on existing networks, further development of existing initiatives.  Bringing cooperation to a higher level  Easier access for SME by reducing administrative burdens

8 8 Further reading about involvement of SMEs in ETC programmes  INTERACT Study about achievements and future perspectives  Published in September 2013 

9 9 Thank you for your attention! Contact: Joint Technical Secretariat INTERREG IV A Germany-Netherlands Emmericher Straße 24 45733 Kleve, Germany

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