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KRYSTAL M. BOND William Seward Burroughs CALCULATOR.

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Presentation on theme: "KRYSTAL M. BOND William Seward Burroughs CALCULATOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 KRYSTAL M. BOND William Seward Burroughs CALCULATOR

2 WILLIAM SEWARD BURROUGHS January 28,1857 – September 14, 1898

3 Invented/Patented Invented: 1886 Patent Filed: January 1885 Patent Issued: August 1888

4 Descriptions and Uses A calculator has numbers 0-9. It has function keys to allow the operator to perform many functions quickly. There are standard, financial, and scientific calculators. Calculators are used to do the tedious work of mathematical problems faster and more accurately. As a student it helps with homework.

5 Calculator Necessities Without calculators the process needed for the industrial revolution could not have happened. Calculators were used for measurement, speed, and inventory control. In administration it was used for bookkeeping and financial records. It also made the operation safer for the employees.

6 Newer Version Of The Invention Calculators have evolved from slow, cumbersome, relatively large instruments to small extremely fast devices. They are now capable of doing many things at one time. Calculators made possible the invention of the computer. Calculators are now found in computers, phones and checkbooks.

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