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ESTABLISHING REFERENCES CAREER READINESS:. What are references? References are people whose names you submit to be contacted on your behalf when you apply.

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Presentation on theme: "ESTABLISHING REFERENCES CAREER READINESS:. What are references? References are people whose names you submit to be contacted on your behalf when you apply."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are references? References are people whose names you submit to be contacted on your behalf when you apply for a job, scholarships, or colleges. They are usually people who have witnessed you in a setting, such as work or school, where you have exhibited behaviors that are being examined.

3 Who would be a good reference? Someone who you are confident will have good things to say about you and your work habits Someone who is in a leadership position Someone who knows you well Examples: Former employers/managers/coworkers Teachers Coaches

4 What do references do? References are contacted via phone or email and asked to answer questions about you Some example questions could include:  Do you consider ___________to be a hard worker?  Does he or she work well with others?  What is his or her greatest strength?  What would you consider to be his or her biggest area in need of improvement? References also write letters of recommendation

5 Why should you need to worry about references? If you are too young to work yet, this is a great time to establish connections with adults so that when you need to submit references you will already have several people available. If you are going through the job/college/scholarship application process, it is important to know that who you choose to be your references is very important. This may determine if you are chosen for an interview/admission/award.

6 What steps do I take to generate a list of references? If you are not yet in the job market or needing to apply for college or scholarships, just keep in mind that you will eventually need references. The first step is establishing close connections with possible references. If you are in the job market or a junior or senior, you need to have a list of references. Make a list of at least including at least 3 adults as references. Include their name, job title, phone number, address, and email address

7 Next step When you are asked to submit names as references, contact your references and ask for their permission. Have your information electronically stored in case a letter of recommendation needs to be written by your reference. Include information such as: Your work experience Awards that you have received Activities in which you have been involved Volunteer work that you have done Any other information that is relevant for this specific position, award, scholarship, etc.

8 Wrap up References can be a key component to landing a job or scholarship, getting an award, or being accepted into colleges It is never too early to begin to think about who you might use as a reference 7 th -9 th graders- make a preliminary list of adults who you could use as references and place it in your Advisory Folder 10 th -12 th graders- Make a list that includes at least 3 adults as references. Include their name, job title, phone number, address, and email address and place it in your Advisory Folder

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