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Responding to Literature Chapter 4. "Don't forget that a book is a private contract between a writer and a reader. Don't try to force another reader to.

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Presentation on theme: "Responding to Literature Chapter 4. "Don't forget that a book is a private contract between a writer and a reader. Don't try to force another reader to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responding to Literature Chapter 4

2 "Don't forget that a book is a private contract between a writer and a reader. Don't try to force another reader to share your contract. And above all, don't kill the joy." Katherine Paterson

3 Reader Response

4 Interaction in Readers' Minds

5 Highly Idiosyncratic Experiences Interests Preferences Development Literacy skills and motivation

6 Responses Shaped by Social Contexts

7 Social Context Peers Teacher expectations Culture Transactional Response Theory

8 Teaching from a Transactional Perspective

9 Teacher's Role Not ONE correct response Encouraging aesthetic & efferent reading for personal reward Activities for deepening response

10 Caution Book reports and fill-in-the- blank worksheets: Do these fit your goals? Consider tossing them out or revising them.

11 Dictated Response

12 Oral Response

13 Retelling / Storytelling

14 Book Talks

15 Book Discussions

16 Choral Speaking

17 Puppetry

18 Art and Music

19 Similar Media / Style In the style of Smoky Night

20 Similar Media / Style In the style of Eric Carle

21 Graphic Organizers

22 Sketch-to-stretch

23 Other Ways... Drama & Dramatization Pantomime Reader's Theater

24 See the CD-ROM which came with this text for: Searchable database of children's literature Author and illustrator profiles Visit the COMPANION WEBSITE for: Children's literature websites for students

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