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United Cities and Local Governments World Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "United Cities and Local Governments World Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 United Cities and Local Governments World Organization

2 MembershipCities/Towns/LG Associations Local Government Actors

3 Structure Secretariat General Assembly World Council Executive Bureau Presidency Africa Asia /Pacific E/Mediterranean Western Asia Europe North AmericaLatin America Russia NIS Regional Associations LGAsCitiesMetropolisLGAsCitiesMetropolis

4 FOR: Local DemocracyLocal Democracy Local Self-GovernmentLocal Self-Government SubsidiaritySubsidiarity Participatory GovernanceParticipatory Governance Human Sustainable DevelopmentHuman Sustainable Development SolidaritySolidarity Human Rights, Equality and InclusionHuman Rights, Equality and Inclusion Fostering Peace through City to City DiplomacyFostering Peace through City to City Diplomacy A Single Voice of LG

5 Congress at a Glance Cities, Local Governments: The Future for Development Opening Sunday Opening Monday First Plenary “Human Rights in the City” “Decentralisation and Local Democracy” Second Plenary “Decentralisation and Local Democracy” Tuesday Cooperation, partnership and solidarity between local governments for peace and development” Third Plenary “Cooperation, partnership and solidarity between local governments for peace and development” Wednesday Statutory Meetings and Closing

6 Monday Local Sustainable Development in a Globalizing World Local Government Role in Poverty Alleviation Local Government Protecting the Environment Local Government as Strategic Leader Social Inclusion City Management in a Globalizing World “ “ Decentralisation and Local Democracy” Decentralization Trends Around the World Women in Local Decision Making Local Democracy and Participation Financing Local Government Subsidiarity and Partnership First Plenary “Human Rights in the City” Second Plenary “Decentralization and Local Democracy”

7 Tuesday Cooperation, partnership and solidarity between local governments for peace and development City Development Strategies Local Government’s Promoting Peace and Managing Conflict Information and Communication for Local Development Local Governments fighting Aids and promoting Healthy Cities Decentralised Co-operation and Local Capacity Building Study Tours Third Plenary Round Table : Results of Day 1

8 LG Partners for Development Cities/Towns/LG Associations Local Government Actors

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