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By Kaleb Smith.  Newspaper or magazine article that give the editor’s or publisher’s opinion.  John could not stop complaining about that editorial.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kaleb Smith.  Newspaper or magazine article that give the editor’s or publisher’s opinion.  John could not stop complaining about that editorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kaleb Smith

2  Newspaper or magazine article that give the editor’s or publisher’s opinion.  John could not stop complaining about that editorial in yesterday’s newspaper.

3  To stop or wait for a time  In war, a second of hesitation can be fatal.

4  Hard to believe or imagine  The speaker gave his audience a moment to digest his incredulous statement.

5  Not showing much interest or effort  Rebecca nonchalantly stacked the papers as she was told.

6  To act against authority  The attitude in the air was a rebellious one following the immoral execution.

7  A general opinion of someone or something held by the public  The movie had a reputation for repetition, but I decided to see it anyway.

8  To try to be better at something than someone else  Steven and Gary have had a friendly rivalry for years.

9  harsh or bitter derision or irony  Mark says he speaks fluent sarcasm.

10  characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate  Susan was feeling particularly sympathetic today, so she gave the homeless man a twenty dollar bill.

11  not understandable  As he took a moment to realize what the speaker had just said, he realized how unfathomable it was.

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