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Communication Technology

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1 Communication Technology
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 December 16, 2009 DRILL Turn in your 3-view assignment (include NAME) Match the type of Technical Graphics below with its type: Isometric Section Standard View Development Perspective Oblique Cut-away Pictorial B C A E B C F G D A D E F Communication Technology G

2 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 TECHNICAL GRAPHICS Which of the following images are parallel projections? Technical Graphic Communication

3 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 [REVIEW] SKETCHES 1 No drawing tools Technical Graphic Communication

4 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 [REVIEW] MULTI-VIEW DRAWINGS 2 Standard Views Sectional Views Auxiliary Views Developments Working Drawings Technical Graphic Communication

5 [REVIEW] PICTORIAL DRAWINGS 2-11 3 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 [REVIEW] PICTORIAL DRAWINGS 3 Show a likeness of an object as viewed by the eye Isometric Perspective Oblique Exploded Assembly Cutaway Pictorial Technical Graphic Communication

6 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 CLASS STANDARDS Line Weights Line Types Dimensioning Scales Technical Graphic Communication

7 Technical Graphic Communication
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE WEIGHTS Four Weights in this class: Light: not noticeable from 2’ (nearly invisible) Medium: just noticeable from 2’ Heavy: obvious from 2’ (final weight for most objects) Very Heavy: only used for borders Technical Graphic Communication

8 CLASS STANDARDS 2-11 Create the following chart in your notebook
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 CLASS STANDARDS Create the following chart in your notebook Name Example Weight Uses Technical Graphic Communication

9 CLASS STANDARDS LINE TYPES 2-11 Construction/Layout Lines Guidelines
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE TYPES Construction/Layout Lines LIGHT WEIGHT ALL lines begin as these DO NOT ERASE (unless there is a measuring error) Guidelines Used for LETTERING CLASS STANDARDS

10 CLASS STANDARDS LINE TYPES 2-11 Object Lines: Hidden Lines:
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE TYPES Object Lines: HEAVY WEIGHT The final line type for most objects Hidden Lines: Everything must be represented in each view, whether or not it can be seen Interior and exterior features are projected from view to view in the same way Parts not seen on the exterior of a view are drawn with hidden lines – short DASHES CLASS STANDARDS

IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE TYPES Centerlines: MEDIUM WEIGHT Centers of symmetrical objects, including circles Used to locate views and dimensions CLASS STANDARDS

IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE TYPES Section Lines: MEDIUM WEIGHT Show materials in cross-section views Different materials use different section lines CLASS STANDARDS

13 CLASS STANDARDS LINE TYPES 2-11 Extension Lines: Dimension Lines:
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 LINE TYPES Extension Lines: MEDIUM WEIGHT Extend from objects Used for dimensioning Dimension Lines: Go between extension lines CLASS STANDARDS

IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 DIMENSIONING 2 things are needed to describe an object completely: Shape Size Dimensioning: Size description Units are required Decimal or Fraction Dimensions read from bottom or right side Include: Extension line: begin 1/16” away from object and extend 1/16” beyond Dimension Line Dimension line: use arrowheads, guidelines, and LETTER CLASS STANDARDS PREFERRED

15 CLASS STANDARDS SCALES 2-11 Objects to be drawn may be small
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 SCALES Objects to be drawn may be small Nanotechnology machine parts, for example Objects to be drawn may be big Buildings, bridges, airliners, oil rigs, trucks, cars Full Scale drawings will not always fit on a sheet of paper Scale down or scale up ½” = 1’-0” ¼” = 1’-0” ” = 14’-0” Scale must be indicated in your title block Architect’s Scale, Engineer’s Scale, Metric Scale make scaling drawings simpler. CLASS STANDARDS

16 CLASS STANDARDS SCALES 2-11 ½” = 1’-0” – Every ½” represents 1’-0”
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 SCALES ½” = 1’-0” – Every ½” represents 1’-0” 1’-0” 2’-0” 3’-0” 4’-0” 0’-6” 1’-6” 2’-6” 3’-6” 0’-3” 0’-9” 1’-3” 1’-9” 2’-3” 2’-9” 3’-3” 3’-9” CLASS STANDARDS

17 CLASS STANDARDS SCALES 2-11 ¼” = 1’-0” – Every ¼” represents 1’-0”
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 SCALES ¼” = 1’-0” – Every ¼” represents 1’-0” 2’-0” 4’-0” 6’-0” 8’-0” 1’-0” 3’-0” 5’-0” 7’-0” 0’-6” 1’-6” 2’-6” 3’-6” 0’-3” 0’-9” 1’-3” 1’-9” CLASS STANDARDS

18 Complete the scales worksheet (front and back) Use a straightedge
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 2-11 CLASSWORK / HOMEWORK Complete the scales worksheet (front and back) Use a straightedge Use the correct scale Measure and draw precisely CLASS STANDARDS

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