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Bell Ringer 8-10-15 1. Get out your APP Logo Designs from Friday. 2. If you have your signed syllabus, please turn it in to Ms. Neblett.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer 8-10-15 1. Get out your APP Logo Designs from Friday. 2. If you have your signed syllabus, please turn it in to Ms. Neblett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer 8-10-15 1. Get out your APP Logo Designs from Friday. 2. If you have your signed syllabus, please turn it in to Ms. Neblett.

2 The Design Process 1. The Problem 2. Research 3. Idea Generation 4. Test 5. Final Solution 6. Evaluation

3 Step 1: Identify the Problem What is the problem/idea? Do you need to re-design a product? Re- design a poster? What topic does the ‘client’ want you to explore? What is the purpose/goal of your design?

4 Step 2: Research With a clear topic/design brief, now begin to collect visual resources related to your topic: search for existing examples – in magazines, photos, internet, etc.

5 Step 3: Idea Generation From your collection of examples/images, begin to create thumbnail sketches. Use your elements of art and principles of design, to create dynamic compositions, consider fonts and layout.

6 Step 4: Test Choose your best thumbnail sketch, and create a more detailed design, larger in size. Create 3-5 copies of your design, refine – choose a color scheme, add contrast, think about how you want the final solution to look.

7 Step 5: Final Solution Choose your most successful test piece; begin to create your final solution. Consider final size, final choice of media, etc.

8 Step 6: Evaluation Present your design, label it and display it. Conduct a self-evaluation of your artwork: Did you follow the steps in the design process correctly? Did you consider the elements of art and principles of design when creating your composition, testing and final solution? Etc.

9 Artistic Problem #2: APP LOGO DESIGN  What are some popular APPs you use daily?  What are the characteristics of the APP designs?  Artistic Problem: You are to create an original APP logo design using the six steps of the design process and non-verbal communication.  You should be able to explain the function/purpose of your app to the class.

10 APP Logo Design Project  Thumbnail Sketches – Small, quick sketches of a variety of designs  3-5 designs, the more options you have, the better  Thumbnail sketches will usually be black and white in color only  Final TEST Designs – Your best design from your thumbnails  Re-Draw to fill sketch paper 3-5 times  Change design minimally; for example, design colors, shading, thick/thin lines, etc.  You will choose one of these designs to be critiqued by your peers.

11 Bell Ringer 8-11-15 Discuss these questions at your table: What does criticism mean? Can criticism be positive and negative? Give one example of positive criticism. Give one example of negative criticism.

12 APP Logo Design Project  Thumbnail Sketches – Small, quick sketches of a variety of designs  3-5 designs, the more options you have, the better  Thumbnail sketches will usually be black and white in color only  Final TEST Designs – Your best design from your thumbnails  Re-Draw to fill sketch paper 3-5 times  Change design minimally; for example, design colors, shading, thick/thin lines, etc.  You will choose one of these designs to be critiqued by your peers.

13 Art Criticism Rules  Criticism is meant to compliment the artist on a job well done and encourage the artist to consider other options. You should NEVER give comments that are negative in nature!  Discussion should include the whole class, don’t let one person carry the conversation for everyone.  Use the comments/suggestions from the class critique to revise and finalize your designs. Remember as a designer, your designs should appeal to your audience! You shouldn’t be the only one who LOVES your design.

14 Verbal Critique of APP Logo Designs  Use a magnet to place your BEST final design on the white board.  DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR NAME ON THE FRONT OF YOUR DESIGN!  Use the Art Criticism Questions to help lead the class critique discussion

15 Bell Ringer 8-12-15  Describe how the difference in how the words are written makes you feel about the words? Why?

16 What is T y p o g r a p h y ?  Typography is the art and technique of arranging type and typed design.  There are a variety of Type Classification Styles that are used for a variety of purposes in print material and designs.  Type Classification Styles:  SERIF  SAN SERIF  OLD ENGLISH  SCRIPT  DECORATIVE

17 Type  Type Styles vs. Lettering Styles  Lettering Styles allow graphic designers the ability to emphasize certain words.  Lettering Styles:  Light Faced  Bold  Ultra Bold  Condensed  Extended  Italics  Underlined  Outlined  Shadowed  Strike Thru or All Capitals

18 Bell Ringer 8-13-15 Let’s Take a Practice Quiz on the 5 Types of Lettering from Yesterday… Get Ready --- after attendance You will need a half sheet of paper, number 1-5.


20 Your

21 Quiz

22 Is

23 Tomorrow

24 Anyone see the underlying message? Your quiz is tomorrow over:  5 Types of Lettering  Lettering Styles

25 Initial Type Artwork  Artistic Problem: You are to use a type style to create an artwork that illustrates positive & negative space.  You will use Zentangle designs to fill the positive space.

26 Complete Identifying Type Handout

27 Bell Ringer 8-14-15  Get out a pen or pencil for your Identifying Type Quiz.  You may use this time to study your Identifying Type Handout. You will turn this in before the Quiz.

28 Initial Type Artwork  Artistic Problem: You are to use a type style to create an artwork that illustrates positive & negative space.  You will use Zentangle designs to fill the positive space.

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