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for 6 years last week usually 2 days ago in one week TEACHER: Ask students to pay attention to these time expressions. tomorrow since 2013 every day

TEACHER: Ask students to look at the chart and complete it with the time expressions from the previous slide.

Check. PRESENT PAST PRES. PERFECT FUTURE usually every day last week 2 days ago for 6 years since 2013 in one week tomorrow TEACHER: Ask students to look at the chart and come to a rule for the interrogative form.

5 SIMPLE PRESENT watch we every day magazines read I usually the piano
play he sometimes Math TEACHER: Get students to make up sentences using the Simple Present. They’ll have to use the words in the correct order. Various combinations are possible. study they never TV

6 SIMPLE PRESENT Where / you / have lunch / on weekdays?
Form questions. Where / you / have lunch / on weekdays? What / your father / do? How / you / come to school / every day? Where / your best friend / live? TEACHER: Have students write full questions with the clues given. Then, they should ask a partner. What time / you and your family/ have dinner?

7 SIMPLE PRESENT Where do you have lunch on weekdays?
Check and ask your classmates. Where do you have lunch on weekdays? What does your father do? How do you come to school every day? Where does your best friend live? TEACHER: Ask students to complete the sentences in a way that it is true to them. You can have a game-like activity, asking the students with a negative sentence to stand up. What time do you and your family have dinner?

8 SIMPLE PAST DID What movie * * you go? What game *
* Form questions about yesterday. What movie * * you go? What game * * you have for lunch? DID What time * * you watch? TEACHER: Ask students to match the parts of the questions in the correct way. Where * * you play? What * * you go to bed?

9 SIMPLE PAST * What movie did you watch? * What game did you play?
* Check. Ask a partner. * What movie did you watch? * What game did you play? * What time did you go to bed? * Where did you go? TEACHER: Have students check the correct form of the questions and ask a partner, comparing their answers. * What did you have for lunch?

10 SIMPLE PAST * What happened to Steve last weekend? STEVE
* Make up a story. * What happened to Steve last weekend? TEACHER: Tell students they are going to play a game. Divide the students into groups of 4. They will have to write a story about Steve’s last weekend using the cues given. Set a time limit. The group with the best story wins. STEVE

11 FUTURE * What are they going to do next vacation?
TEACHER: Ask students to say what the kids are going to do on their vacation, using the picture as a starting point. E.g. They are going to travel by plane.

12 FUTURE * Write 3 plans you have for the weekend.
*Tell a friend. * Do you have the same plans? TEACHER: Pair students up and ask them to talk about their plans for the weekend.

13 PRESENT PERFECT Fred live in NY all his life
TEACHER: Ask students to think of sentences using the Present Perfect and the cues given. Fred live in NY all his life Mary be a doctor six years Pete and Sue be married 2009 We have a dog last year

14 PRESENT PERFECT * Fred has lived in NY for all his life.
Check. * Fred has lived in NY for all his life. * Mary has been a doctor for six years. * Pete and Sue have been a doctor since 2009. TEACHER: Ask students to check the correct form of the sentences. * We have had a doctor since last year.

15 PRESENT PERFECT How long… * study at this school?.
* Ask your friends. How long… * study at this school?. * live at your present address? * have the same phone? TEACHER: Get students to write questions using the Present Perfect and then ask their friends. * know your best friend?

16 MISCELLANEOUS * Complete. 1. What _____ you ______(do) last weekend? I ________ (visit) my grandma. 2. How long _______ you ________ English? _______ 2010. 3. What ______ you ______(do)? I _______ (be) a student. TEACHER: Ask students to complete the sentences paying close attention to what verb tense they should use. 4. What time ______ she usually_________(wake up) on Sundays?

17 MISCELLANEOUS * Complete. 5. Where _____ Tom ______(go) next weekend? He ________ (travel) to Hawaii. 6. Melina _______________ (speak) Italian since she was a little girl. TEACHER: Ask students to complete the sentences paying close attention to what verb tense they should use.

18 MISCELLANEOUS Check. 1. What DID you DO (do) last weekend? I VISITED (visit) my grandma. 2. How long HAVE you STUDIED English? SINCE 2010. 3. What DO you DO (do)? I AM (be) a student. TEACHER: Ask students to check if they got the correct sentences. 4. What time DOES she usually WAKE UP (wake up) on Sundays?

19 MISCELLANEOUS * Complete. 5. Where IS Tom GOING (go) next weekend? He IS GOING TO TRAVEL (travel) to Hawaii. 6. Melina HAS SPOKEN (speak) Italian since she was a little girl. TEACHER: Ask students to check if they got the correct sentences.

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