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Construction of Basics: 5S. Definitions of 5S 1. SEIRI Segregate what you need from what you do not need. Discard what you do not need. 2. SEITON Keep.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction of Basics: 5S. Definitions of 5S 1. SEIRI Segregate what you need from what you do not need. Discard what you do not need. 2. SEITON Keep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction of Basics: 5S

2 Definitions of 5S 1. SEIRI Segregate what you need from what you do not need. Discard what you do not need. 2. SEITON Keep things in a condition, which you can easily access to at the time of need. 3. SEISOU 4. SEIKETSU 5. SHITSUKE Make the area neat and clean. Keep the area neat and clean. Form a habit to follow rules.

3 3S (SEIRI, SEITON, & SEISOU) Are the Basics of MONOZUKURI Innovation

4 Benefits of SEIRI ・ Avoid Errors Parts and materials that are not needed for production are the cause of operation errors. ・ Speed Up Your Work Unnecessary things reduce efficiency. ・ Create Spaces Clear the way and optimize the traffic. ・ Visualize Problems Big inventory hides problems. ・ Reform Sources Unnecessary things → “Money is sleeping.” Segregate what you need from what you do not need. Discard what you do not need. ⇒ Place only what you need for the current production at the site.

5 Benefits of SEITON ・ Improve Operation Efficiency You can get what you need without searching for. Speed up your work. ・ Improve the Management Level Know your assets at a glance. >> Healthy asset management. ・ Eliminate Errors You know what you need instantly. >> Reduce errors. ・ Visualize Problems Easy to know problems, e.g., inventory level. Keep things in a condition, which you can easily access to at the time of need. ⇒Constant location, item, and quantity ・・・ You can get them with your eyes closed.

6 Benefits of SEISOU ・ Alert for Abnormal Situations You can notice grease leak, broken cable coatings, etc. by wiping. This enables early maintenance, resulted in trouble-free machines! ・ Better Recognition Ability of Flaws in Products A scratch in a product in dirty workplace is invisible. You will see a fine defect in a clean environment, which leads to quality improvement. (Dirty area will disgrace your products by making them dirty). ・ Higher Credibility of Your Company First impression of your factory is connected to the cleanliness of your factory. Clean factory will give the impression of good quality of products to your clients. Make the area neat and clean.

7 Effects of 5S SafetyQuality Reduction of Waste & Loss Shorter Lead Time Inventory Reduction Capability to Handle Multiple Products Better Facility Maintenance Visualization of Problems

8 5S:Direct Connection to Management Multiple Product Models Visualization of Problems Cost Reduction Quality Assurance Productive Maintenance Faster Delivery Safety First No Changeover No Inventory No Waste No Defect No Breakdown No Holding Time No Accident SeiriSeitonSeisouSeiketsu Shitsuke 5S 5S eliminates 7 losses and improves productivity.

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