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Trade and Technology Transfer Working Group Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade and Technology Transfer Working Group Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade and Technology Transfer Working Group Session

2 Major issues  The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology is dedicated to R&D and technology transfer to the developing world  There is an urgent need for the development of a new IPR culture in the field of life sciences  Expanded reach of the WTO in mandate and membership has significant implications for technological transfer and trade  Suspension of the Doha Development Agenda

3 Specific trends  Increasing role of select developing countries in the innovation and production of advanced technologies (Cuba, India, South Africa, Brazil….)  Open source, open access technologies in ICT and possible lessons learnt  Upsurge in international trade in services and the profound implications on technology transfer

4 Challenges and opportunities  Ethical issues in relation to IPR protection for sensitive products (e.g. life saving drugs)  Shift in the process of North - South dialogue (e.g. Doha Development Agenda)  Suspension of DDA: opportunity for re- evaluation and development of new proposals  Discrimination between real scientific objections and protectionism

5 Role of UNU and UNESCO  Need for neutral space for policy dialogue and debate on IPR and Trade  Continued capacity development of science and technical specialists in developing countries  Providing a forum for dialogue between opponents and proponents of globalisation

6  Re-examine the relationship between and rules of Trade and Technology transfer: to promote coherence and coordination between these and the institutions that govern them  Developing countries have valid, unfulfilled expectations of TRIPS: fully implement TRIPS preamble and develop legally binding obligations and monitoring mechanisms  Facilitate movement of technical staff from developing countries for short-term skills development for effective uptake of new technologies Specific Proposals for the future

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