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East Carolina University Police Department. Ethics Morality is the measure of conduct and ethics is the study of morals. Do you have moral character?

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Presentation on theme: "East Carolina University Police Department. Ethics Morality is the measure of conduct and ethics is the study of morals. Do you have moral character?"— Presentation transcript:

1 East Carolina University Police Department

2 Ethics Morality is the measure of conduct and ethics is the study of morals. Do you have moral character? Do you display ethical deeds?

3 Character Who you are and what you do when no one is looking. Character transcends race, religion, education, position, gender, and personality.

4 Professionalism Is the most important moral parameter that we are required to follow while at work. If an officer is professional, then the officer is an example of one who stays within the rules of the law enforcement profession while at the same time enforces such laws.

5 Professionalism factors  Attitude  Ethical conduct  Good communication skills  Knowledge

6 The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It takes a person of strong character to treat others better then the way they are treated.

7 Trust  Reliability of character, strength, ability, and accuracy.  Trust is the foundation for all strong relationships.  To be trustworthy you must have honor and integrity.

8 How to develop trust  Maintain integrity.  Openly communicate vision and values.  Show respect for employees as equal partners.  Focus on shared goals rather than personal agendas.  Do the right thing regardless of personal risk.  Listen with an open mind.  Demonstrate compassion.  Maintain confidence.

9 Social Parameters Who influences your decisions?  Immediate family  Entire Family  Church  Neighborhood  School  Work environment  City or nation

10 What makes law enforcement different from most other businesses or professions?

11 Self assessment quiz







18 Practices to avoid that will jeopardize good ethics  Motor vehicle violations  Sexual misconduct  Lying to others and gossiping  Stealing  Misuse of state property  Misuse of authority  Loud parties  Associations/ the company you keep  Drug/ substance abuse  Domestic violence

19 Pride undermines teamwork.

20 Pride is blinding; it will blind you of your own faults, to other people’s needs, and to ethical pitfalls.

21 “Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a permanent attitude.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

22 "What is wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is still right, even if no one else is doing it." - William Penn

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