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J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 1 L2 Status James T. Linnemann MSU PMG September 20, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 1 L2 Status James T. Linnemann MSU PMG September 20, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 1 L2 Status James T. Linnemann MSU PMG September 20, 2001

2 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 2 Alpha l First Production: 4-6 fully work; break/fix about 1/week l Second Production: Pre-production boards work ‚DMA fixes incorporated in layout ‚Learned can successfully replace CIA BGA (better than unreliable socket!) ‚new supplier for raw boards, better assembly (failures diagnosed; site visits) 11 more being built now: 5-7 arrive Sep 26; remainder Oct 5 PIO to Alpha not working (firmware)early October l Need 15 for nominal system (+7 for test stand) ‚concentrate on 1 Alpha/crate first—OK for low rate ‚Add processors to meet throughput demands as available l Beta replacement: prototype December ‘01, production Summer ‘02

3 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 3 MBT workhorse I/O card l cards in hand Before install: stable SCL firmware Sept/Oct firmware all written; being debugged (good turnaround) ‚Scl_init sequence; L1, L2 busy (easier) Multi-card broadcast: need testing at FNAL 128 bit fanoutneeds testing at FNAL with Edmunds: Oct Some marginal timing being chased Results write to Global: needs to be re-integrated ‚tweaking output amplitude Monitoring functions: need to test at FNAL

4 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 4 FIC: G-link receiver (all crates but muon) l FPGA code being tweaked Some vme problems remain ‚commissioning modes only; progress being made G-link data problems fixed (tested BER < E-10) ‚ Need pin reassignment for monitoring FPGA ‚Will swap for faster chip (socketed) FPGA compiler problems probably resolved Fermilab/ESE support for commissioning ‚Met last week with Saclay experts ‚ Consult on design; fixed 3 dead channels

5 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 5 L2 Muon Cards l CIC (L2Mu input card) installed; inputs cabled l SLIC (L2 Mu processor card) ready to cable up Algorithms being downloaded already l SFO (fanout): all but 2 at Fermi Needed by Muon system, and test stand ‚Very useful for commissioning ‚May have other uses during running All cards work in most important modes ‚For one mode, have to hand-select cards ‚ Only need 2 working in 1:12 fanout mode ‚ Investigating why only half do, but half of 25 is plenty ‚why error rate different in Nebraska?

6 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 6 Miscellaneous Interface Hardware l 16 to 128 bit mux add-on to MBT (UMd) Returns L2 trigger mask to L2HWFW Sep/Oct l L1HWFW to L2 Global (via FIC) (MSU) Optical Split: L1 trigger mask Aug/Oct ‚dummy content: fixed + event ID l Monitoring of Alphas by L1 Scalers (MSU) Passive cable formatting card Oct

7 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 7 Commissioning At Last L1SCL-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3 milestone met One channel “data”, real frame software, in MCH ‚Need to verify format from SAM Muon system has seen real inputs-CIC-SLIC ‚L1format needs correction ‚Scintformat OK but L2&timing interfere: errors ‚MDTformat OK ‚PDTunformatted: October? l Current tests: SCL_INIT for MBT-Alpha (for permanent MCH running) Add 2 nd channel of data (FIC-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3) real algorithms into SLIC; timingFwd Mu already Muon: 2 nd or 3 rd input: CIC-SLIC-MBT-Alpha-VBD-L3 One event pushed through STT prototype vertical slice ‚FRC, STC, TFC: CTT roads, SMT clusters, fit

8 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 8 Summary l Commissioning is underway in earnest Some real inputs—need more to do physics ‚Mu, cal, ctt, cps is probable order Most hardware in hand ‚Remaining alphas soon, I hope Final cabling in October Firmware written; commissioning it now ‚MBT, Alpha, FIC l Crucial scale-up tests in coming weeks ‚All hardware in crates ‚Multiple inputs ‚Algorithm downloads coming ‚ Muon: started last week; continue thru shutdown ‚ code running in simulator already

9 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 9 Arrival of L2 Inputs When inputs steadily available (subset, full) l L1 Trigger Mask to Global (August, October) l Cal(September?, November?) l Muon Trigger (L2 software not tested)(June, November) Detector(August,October?) l CTT,CPS(October,November) l FPS(November,December) l COOR programming September?

10 J. Linnemann, MSU 2/12/2016 10 Online Software Plans  Event data flow late Aug l Worker with filter code Sept Multi-alpha (as available)Oct/Nov ‚interrupts for speed as neededDec/Jan l Coor script downloading via TCC: Late Sept Till then, configure from hand-edited file ‚Online and in TSIM l Data Flow Monitoring testSept/Oct ‚Errorlogger to screen/S.E.S. Oct/Dec? l Global + PreprocessorOct-Nov FILTERING! (if have enough inputs…) l Verification: online vs. TSIM 1 st version running now; testing data capture Needs pretty good data to be usefulOct/Nov?

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