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CstM 301 - Management & Organization decision making process.

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Presentation on theme: "CstM 301 - Management & Organization decision making process."— Presentation transcript:

1 CstM 301 - Management & Organization decision making process

2 decision making process… 1.identify & define the problem 2.generate & evaluate alternative courses of action 3.decide on a preferred course of action 4.implement the decision 5.evaluate results

3 identify & define the problem…

4 alternative solutions…

5 make decision…

6 implement decision…

7 evaluate results…

8 ethical reasoning… rea·son·ing [ree-zuh-ning, reez-ning] -noun 1.the process of forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences from facts or premises.

9 decision traps… priori bias availability bias representation bias anchoring & adjustment bias

10 decision errors… framing error confirmation error escalating commitment

11 creativity in decision making… personal situational task experience task motivation creativity skills group creativity skills management support organizational culture creativity

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