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1 Holly Johnston VOLCANO. 2 Introduction Volcanoes are cone shaped mountains that are created when magma breaks through the Earth’s surface.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Holly Johnston VOLCANO. 2 Introduction Volcanoes are cone shaped mountains that are created when magma breaks through the Earth’s surface."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Holly Johnston VOLCANO

2 2 Introduction Volcanoes are cone shaped mountains that are created when magma breaks through the Earth’s surface.

3 Holly Johnston3 Stages of Volcanic Activity Eruption Stage Cooling and Inactive Stage Volcanic activity can range from permanently active to inactive.

4 Holly Johnston4 Types of Volcanoes Three main types of volcanoes are: Cinder Cone Shield Composite

5 Holly Johnston5 Types of Lava Rocks There are two main types of lava rocks Basalt Obsidian

6 Holly Johnston6 Conclusion While volcanoes can be explosive and destructive, they are a natural occurrence that should be appreciated and studied Volcanoes begin by magma erupting through the Earth’s crust.

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