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From, with and for young people 3rd European Youth Forum for Road Safety 1 & 2 July 2010 Brussels.

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Presentation on theme: "From, with and for young people 3rd European Youth Forum for Road Safety 1 & 2 July 2010 Brussels."— Presentation transcript:

1 From, with and for young people 3rd European Youth Forum for Road Safety 1 & 2 July 2010 Brussels

2 Introduction Floor Lieshout – TeamAlert, Capgemini, World Health Organization – YOURS – Youth for Road Safety 15 minutes 2

3 Agenda Introduction Activities How you can join YOURS Closing 3

4 Facts – Road crashes are the leading killer of young people – Every year more than 400.000 young people die – Millions more are injured – Unless more comprehensive global action is taken, the number of deaths and injuries is likely to rise significantly 4 Introduction

5 We believe... that road crashes are preventable road safety does not stop at our borders in the high potential of youth it is young people themselves who can be at the forefront of making a difference 5 Youth involvement

6 6 Mission: Keeping young people safe on the world’s roads. AdvocatingConnecting and sharingCapacity development World and Regional Youth Assemblies for Road Safety Create a mechanism (platform) where young people can easily share knowledge and experiences. Develop workshops, programmes and trainings to learn and model from the road safety successes in other countries. Lobby continuously to bring attention to youth and road safety problems and ask support Organize global awareness campaigns Set up, maintain and expand gobal youth network for road safety

7 7 Global awareness campaign

8 We have initiated this campaign: to show the world that we are united as one global youth network for road safety; because there is a lack of awareness and recognition in the world; we want to urge for action and support for youth initiatives; in order to get global recognition of the importance of young people’s participation in road safety. 8 World Crossing Campaign

9 The idea: – youth advocates around the world crossing streets in a safe and creative way; – showing hundreds of young people from around the world taking part in a road safety action. 9 World Crossing Campaign

10 The idea: – A 10 second video; – A young person with the YOURS logo crossing the street at a pedestrian crossing; – Handing over the YOURS logo to the next person in another country. 10 World Crossing Campaign

11 11 World Crossing Campaign

12 12 World Crossing Campaign

13 Theme is visibility; A jury will judge all incoming videos on road safety and the theme; You can win 1000 euro for your road safety campaign; We have a camera and slogans with us! 13 World Crossing Campaign

14 What is the MINE Section: – A section on our website for YOU! – You can register yourself; – You can register your organization; – You can easily upload your road safety campaigns. 14 YOURS? MINE?

15 Why is the MINE Section: – To identify the youth around the globe; – To visualize the global youth network; – To inspire each other; – To share experiences and knowledge; – To make easy links between youth. 15 YOURS? MINE?

16 16 YOURS - MINE

17 17 Personal profile

18 18 Youth projects

19 19 Mapping youth initiatives

20 20 Mapping youth initiatives

21 21 Mapping youth initiatives

22 22 Mapping youth initiatives

23 Leading killer of young people YOURS: – Advocating – Connecting and sharing – Developing capacity World Crossing Campaign Sign up for MINE Sign up for the newsletter 23 Closing

24 24

25 25 Thank you!

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