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Welcome to Year 5. Miss Kettle Mrs Mills Mrs Penketh/Miss Dring Mrs Bailey Our Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5. Miss Kettle Mrs Mills Mrs Penketh/Miss Dring Mrs Bailey Our Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5

2 Miss Kettle Mrs Mills Mrs Penketh/Miss Dring Mrs Bailey Our Team

3 Our Timetable 10:10 10:30 10:4511:45 12:15 1:15pm2:15 Monday AM activity Maths (Library) Assembly Break English GR Lunch Art/DT (Netbooks) RE Tuesday AM activity Maths Learning journal reflections EnglishGR History/Geog (Library) Premier sports Gym Wednesday Assembly (Sharing) Maths EnglishGR Computing (Netbooks) PE - games Thursday AM activity Maths Singing Assembly EnglishGR Science (Library) Music Friday AM activity Maths10:00 - French English (Netbooks) GR Achievement Assembly Jibber Jabber Golden Time PSHE

4 Focus on comprehension as well as reading strategies Guided Reading – once a week, other children doing reading activities Individual Readers – twice a week Books changed – opportunity of up to 3 times a week Reading

5 Spelling – weekly with a focus on a spelling pattern, morning work, guided reading Tricky words – weekly, guided reading, morning work Spelling

6 Sent home every Tuesday To be handed in every Monday All home learning tasks to be recorded in books unless stated otherwise Extension task does not have to be done Independent work where possible Children’s responsibility Home Learning

7 Named uniform PE kit in school all week Home Learning – Monday Water bottles named Open door policy (PM) Year 5 web page E-mail: Reminders

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