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Cairo university Faculty of urban &regional planning Semester 3 Subject : GIS “Geographic Data Modeling” “Geographic Data Modeling” Presented to \ Dr :

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Presentation on theme: "Cairo university Faculty of urban &regional planning Semester 3 Subject : GIS “Geographic Data Modeling” “Geographic Data Modeling” Presented to \ Dr :"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cairo university Faculty of urban &regional planning Semester 3 Subject : GIS “Geographic Data Modeling” “Geographic Data Modeling” Presented to \ Dr : Mohammed Mosbah Presented by \ Group “ 14 ” Dina yousri Adel Ibrahim Hossam Hamdy Amin Reda Amgad Atia Eskander Aya el Allah Mohamed helal Sara ibrahim mohammed Ahmed Essam Ahmed Badr Ahmed Yahia

2  Index  What is GIS Data Modeling?? …………...............  Modeling process ………………………………..  Data Modeling Levels …………………………...  The steps of Data Modeling …………………….  Tables ……………………………………………  Relationships ……………………………………..  Examples ………………………………...............  The Important of Data Modeling in Urban ………  Abstract ………………………………………….  References ………………………………..... ……

3  What is GIS Data Modeling?? A data model is not a physical building model, a city map, urban design drawings or a mathematical model of urban population growth. A data model is an abstraction of the real world that employs a set of data objects that support map display, query, editing and analysis Set of Constructs for describing and representing selected aspects of the real world in a Computer. Data models present the conceptual core of an information system; they define data object types, relationships, operations, and rules to maintain database integrity.

4 Real World Objects and relationships Database Schema (Object state) Physical Model  Modeling Process:- Conceptual Model Lists, flow diagrams, etc Logial Model Diagram in CASE Tool Graphic courtesy of ESRI

5  Data Modeling levels :- 1.Conceptualize the user's view of data 2. Select the geographic representation “ points, lines, areas, rasters, TINs ” 3. Define objects, features, and relationships draw a UML ” diagram, specify relationships ”, “ behaviors ” 4. Match to geodatabase elements “ Refine relationships ”, “ behaviors ” 5. Organize geodatabase structure, add data Computer -oriented Human- oriente d Increasing Abstraction Physical Model Logical Model Reality Conceptual Model  The steps of Data Modeling

6  Data Model “Information turns to tables” 1-

7 2- Relationship 2- Relationship :- A relationship class is a collection of relationships between objects in two tables/feature classes One - to - one One - to - many Many - to - many

8  An example for Data Modeling in the school : Attributes:- 1.School 2.Employee 3.Class 4.Rooms 5.Course 6.Department 7.Student 8.Professor



11  Abstract  Representation of information about a form or a process  A good model allows us to infer process  Finding best digital representation of real-world geography  representation of reality

12  References   www.        

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