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Music Software Projects New York University Adjunct Instructor Scott Burton.

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1 Music Software Projects New York University Adjunct Instructor Scott Burton

2 Submission for today Let’s hear some triads... ET Pythag Just Team names

3 Pythag Dodecaphonic is Better It has more useable “accidentals” However the major third still clashes with the harmonic series closest interval (5/4) There are two Diminished Fifths To evolve towards the 12 tone chromatic scale of today we first have to get 12 tones instead of 13 – which means 1 diminished fifth not 2 Also we want to adjust some of the intervals to be closer to harmonic series… Which brings us to the scale of Ptolemy See living spec spreadsheet: pythag_ptolemy_sheet_phase6.xlsx

4 Creating a nice sounding third In Pythagorean tuning, the only perfectly consonant intervals were the 5 th and the 4 th (the inversion of the 5 th ). Depending on your definition of “perfect” the 2 nd and 6 th were pretty good too (they appear in the harmonic series). The 3 rd was a rich interval that variable pitch instruments (vocals, strings, etc.) could naturally adjust to away from the Pythagorean 3 rd and towards the harmonic series third… The Pythagorean Third (81/64) was dissonant. This limited the use of harmony – specifically sweet sounding 3-note chords (triads). Tempering the thirds to be more consonant was a logical evolution and was the key innovation with Ptolemy’s system

5 Creating a nice sounding third... The “Syntonic Comma” is the difference between the Pythagorean Third and the Harmonic Series (closest) “Third” of 5/4: Pythagorean Third minus harmonic series third results is this “comma”: 81/80 = 81/64 / 5/4 For ex., in the key of C: If you decrease E by the syntonic comma (81:80) then: Major Third C -> E is flattened : 81/64 x 80/81 = 5/4 Minor Third E -> G is sharpened: 32/27 x 81/80 = 6/5 Minor Third + Major Third = Fifth ( 6/5 x 5/4 = 3/2 ) Notice also that this “more pure” minor third of 6/5 is closer but still does not exist as a harmonic in the harmonic series – the closest harmonic series interval is 19/16. However the interval appears in a sense because it’s the difference between the harmonics 3/2 and 5/4... The Major Third interval of 5/4 is represented exactly in the harmonic series

6 Break Then the “Wheel of Bembe” Play beat cycles to metronome rhythm_sheet_bembe_wheel.xlsx

7 Programming Phase Assignment covers lecture 9 and 10 on the class page Implement the scale of Ptolemy Play the sorted 12 note scale 1 second duration no rest between notes Implement the Bembe wheel rhythm sheet: rhythm_sheet_bembe_wheel.xlsx Choose sounds for each pattern so they sound good to your ears. Some high, some mid, some low Play the Bembe wheel for 2 12 beat cycles Play to tempo of 180bpm

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