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Learning in Physical Science (LeaPs) Administrator Session Kim Zeidler-Watters – UK PIMSER 1/21/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning in Physical Science (LeaPs) Administrator Session Kim Zeidler-Watters – UK PIMSER 1/21/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning in Physical Science (LeaPs) Administrator Session Kim Zeidler-Watters – UK PIMSER 1/21/2010

2 Review from December Overview of LeaPs Project What are the characteristics of a high quality science program?

3 Roadmap for today’s meeting What does it take to change teachers’ practice in sustained and meaningful ways? How will you help your school maintain progress in improving the science program?

4 Professional Development What does it take to change teachers’ practice in sustained and meaningful ways?

5 Targets I can list the critical features of professional development that results in a change in teacher practice. I can identify the key attibutes of the LeaPs design that align with what we know about quality professional development

6 Hypothesis Teacher professional development Changes in teacher practice Improvement in student learning

7 Activating Prior Knowledge Consider this question silently: What are the critical features of professional development that changes teachers’ practice? Make a list of all the critical features you can. Do not discuss with anyone at this time. In groups of 3, share your lists and compile into a master list on the chart paper. Indicate which items were on everyone’s individual lists. Share with the group and look for commonalities and differences.

8 A Short Reading Read the article silently. Do not discuss with anyone at this time. With a neighbor, share your thoughts about the article. What caught your attention? What does it make you think about? Share thoughts from your pair-sharing with the group.

9 PD That Leads to Improved Student Learning In a 2009 report, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) reviewed 16 well-designed studies of professional development programs that documented enhanced student achievement in mathematics or science. The professional development program designs had several common features:

10 The program designs included strong emphasis on teachers learning specific subject content as well as pedagogical content for how to teach the content to students.

11 The implementation of professional development included multiple activities to provide follow-up reinforcement of learning, assistance with implementa- tion, and support for teachers from mentors and colleagues in their schools.

12 In terms of duration of development activities, 14 of the 16 programs continued for six months or more. The mean contact time with teachers in program activities was 91 hours.

13 Task Using the CCSSO statements deconstruct into the features. Think about your school and district: With a triad identify examples of programs your school or district has been involved with that would fit under a feature of professional development that results in a change in teacher practice.

14 Key Areas for Designing a Research-based PD Program PD Focus Time PD Pedagogy Participation Sources of information, expertise for new learning Sources of support for implementation and reflection Evaluation

15 Huge Issue Teacher practice is a huge issue Vast majority of teachers have problems with planning instruction Most plan based on resources and activities not learning goals, learning targets, and standards

16 LeaPs Project Review the components of the LeaPs project? In what ways does the LeaPs project design reflect what research says about PD that results in changes in teacher practice?

17 5 Levels of PD Planning 5. Results in student learning outcomes 4. Participant use of knowledge and skills 3. Organization support and change 2. Participant learning from experience 1. Participant reactions to the experience

18 All levels are important and require different evidence Each level builds on those before—once there is a breakdown the results will go no further Level 3 break down occurs most often (principal is critical)

19 Key to wide scale implementation Train and support those who are willing well then make the results well known Typically 30-40% of faculty will want to be involved Focus on results not people Plan needs to be in place for support over multiple years (3-4) for full implementation Administrators are key (infrastructure of support)

20 Hypothesis Teacher professional development Changes in teacher practice Improvement in student learning

21 Research-based Hypothesis Instructional Materials Quality Well-Designed Professional Development Program Improved Teacher Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes Improved Teacher Instructional Practice Improved Student Learning will produce leading to resulting in affects nature & degree of change Administrator/ Program Support Teacher Implementation and Reflection will support

22 What’s Next for Your Science Program? How will you help your school maintain progress in improving the science program?

23 Activating Prior Knowledge Consider this question silently: What are the elements of science program infrastructure that supports effective classroom instruction? Make a list of all the critical features you can. Do not discuss with anyone at this time. In groups of 3, share your lists and compile into a master list on the chart paper. Indicate which items were on everyone’s individual lists. Share with the large group and look for commonalities and differences.

24 Where is Your Program Now? Which infractructure elements on the list is your school doing well on? How do you know? Which elements on the list are most in need of attention?

25 Your role as principal in supporting a high quality Science Program? How will you help your school improve the science program?

26 Activity Take a moment to think, then share with the group: The best thing you’ve done to support your school’s science program in the past year Your greatest concern about your school’s science program

27 Targets I can list the critical features of professional development that results in a change in teacher practice. I can identify the key attributes of the LeaPs design that align with what we know about quality professional development

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