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noungender fracturam. ----- f. ----- n. traumam. ----- f. ----- n. parsm. ----- f. ----- n. scapulam. ----- f. ----- n. processusm. ----- f. ----- n.

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Presentation on theme: "noungender fracturam. ----- f. ----- n. traumam. ----- f. ----- n. parsm. ----- f. ----- n. scapulam. ----- f. ----- n. processusm. ----- f. ----- n."— Presentation transcript:


2 noungender fracturam. ----- f. ----- n. traumam. ----- f. ----- n. parsm. ----- f. ----- n. scapulam. ----- f. ----- n. processusm. ----- f. ----- n. malleolusm. ----- f. ----- n. infractiom. ----- f. ----- n.

3 partialis traumatica longitudinalis a) paries a) traumate a) logos b) parvus b) traumatis b) longus c) partus c) trauma c) longissimus d) pars d) traumata d) longaevitas dislocatiopathologica a) loquaxa) pathogenes b) longusb) patella c) logosc) pathos d) locusd) patiens

4 Fractura aperta ________________________________________________________________ Fractura fibulae aperta ________________________________________________________________ Fractura fibulae dextrae aperta ________________________________________________________________ Fractura malleoli fibulae dextrae aperta ________________________________________________________________ Fractura malleoli lateralis fibulae dextrae aperta ________________________________________________________________

5 dextrae aperta fracturaulnae fracturae vertebrarum thoracicarum compressivae complicata fractura tibiae sinistrae dextri metacarpi multiplices fracturae ossium lateris uteriusque digitorum fracturae pedislateris

6 Status post fractur____ mandibul____ comminutiv____ Fractura traumatic____ oss____ cox____ cum dislocation____ ad lat____ Humerus sinist____ fract____ Therapia chirurgic____ fractur____ coll____ femor____ dextr____ Fractura bas____ oss____ metatars____ later____ sinistr____ comminutiv____

7 Depressed fracture of the left shoulder blade _______________________________________________ Comminuted fracture of the olecranon on the right side _______________________________________________ Fracture of the left tibia with dislocation in the length with contraction _______________________________________________ State after the pathological fracture of a thoracic vertebra _______________________________________________

8 Fractura completa ___________________________________________ Fractura clausa ___________________________________________ Fractura simplex ___________________________________________ Fractura sine dislocatione ___________________________________________ Dislocatio ad longutudinem cum contractione ___________________________________________

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