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 Fractures  Caused by an axial load  Load on the head and forced flexion  Dislocation  Flexion and rotation  Can cause paralysis or death.  Symptoms.

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Presentation on theme: " Fractures  Caused by an axial load  Load on the head and forced flexion  Dislocation  Flexion and rotation  Can cause paralysis or death.  Symptoms."— Presentation transcript:

1  Fractures  Caused by an axial load  Load on the head and forced flexion  Dislocation  Flexion and rotation  Can cause paralysis or death.  Symptoms include  Pain  Numbness  Tingling  Weakness  Should be immobilized and transported immediately. CERVICAL BONE INJURIES

2  Not as common as lumbar injuries.  More pain sitting and flexing than standing.  Treat with posture improvement then extension exercises.  Traction can be used to alleviate pressure. CERVICAL DISK INJURIES

3  Usually occurs from hyperextension or hyperflexion.  Whiplash  ROM exercises and progress to strength exercises.  All neck injuries must be thoroughly evaluated.  If a fracture is suspected stabilize, board, and transport immediately.  RTP must be cleared by a physician. CERVICAL MUSCLE, TENDON, AND LIGAMENT INJURIES

4  Network of nerves from the cervical spine.  Causes  Burning  Numbness  Tingling  Stinging sensation down the arm.  Known as a burner or stinger.  ROM, Strengthening exercises until pain free in shoulder and neck region.  Should be evaluated by AT and physician before RTP. BRACHIAL PLEXUS INJURIES

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