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Question 1 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of a hero come naturally to most, they are usually the ideal traits.

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Presentation on theme: "Question 1 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of a hero come naturally to most, they are usually the ideal traits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 1 How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of a hero come naturally to most, they are usually the ideal traits everyone would like to have. Some good examples are… Affectionate Confident Considerate Courageous Dependable Determined Encouraging Loyal Mature Persevering Positive Reliable Respectful Responsible

2 How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence the development of literary heroes? Question 2 The setting, conflict, and antagonists all influence the development of a hero for different reasons. Settings can vary from a calm and quiet neighborhood, to a dangerous prison cell. Different conflicts and antagonists affect how the hero on how he reacts to that challenge.

3 Question 3 How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and society? “an organization's culture develops to help it cope with its environment.” (Edgar Schein) Culture and scoiety have an effect on mostly every person, especially heros. Heros reflect there own beliefs in their own way, because everyone has somewhat different beliefs, and a different way of presenting it.

4 How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area? Question 4 A hero represents his time period by actually living in that era. A hero can have multiple effects on everyone in his time period and geographical area by just influencing them. Elie lived threw the holocaust, so that era had a major impact on his life and caused him to become a hero. “In Jewish history there are no coincidences.” (Elie Wiesel)

5 How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes? Question 5 Various cultures reward their heroes in many different ways; Elie Wiesel was rewarded with the noble peace prize in 1986 for his actions of being a world- wide hero. “Every Jew should set aside a zone of hate – healthy, virile hate – for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German.” (Elie Wiesel) “Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another. “ (Elie Wiesel)

6 Question 6 What triggers a normal person to become a hero? When a person first notices that everything is going to change, whether they know it or not. They must make a change, leaving the of his world and venturing into an unknown and dangerous realm where the rules and limits are unknown “I decided to devote my life to telling the story because I felt that having survived I owe something to the dead. and anyone who does not remember betrays them again.” (Elie Wiesel)

7 Why is it important to do what is right for everyone, not just you? Question 7 “A hero is one that is willing to sacrifice their own life for what they believe will create a greater good; for what they believe is right.” (Kastom) When you do what is right, you receive physical and mental benefits, so does the society you effect. A hero scarifies many different things for his society, because the society has many effects on the way the hero portrays himself.

8 Question 8 Does the time era the hero was born in affect there heroism? The time era affects most heroes, especially Elie Wiesel because his book is about the holocaust. But time periods do not always effect the hero, because you can be a hero at any time in your life.

9 What makes this hero different from most heroes? Question 9 " remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all..." (Elie Wiesel) Elie Wiesel is different from other heroes because not only has he fought for what was right, (writing his novel Night) he also exposed the truth behind the holocaust. He is a hero in many people's eyes and has inspired and influenced all kinds of different people.

10 Question 10 How did family members' affect how Elie Wiesel became a hero? Family members' affected Elie in many ways; Elie's family were all deported to death camps, then they were separated and only had his father left. His father later died which hurt Elie emotionally and mentally, he didn't even want to live anymore, but then he realized that that's not what his father would of wanted. He would of wanted Elie to survive after everything they have been threw, it would of been stupid to just give up now.

11 Works Cited Borkar, Rujuta. "Good Personality Traits List." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. "Elie Wiesel Bio." American Studies @ The University of Virginia. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. "Elie Wiesel Timeline and World Events: 1928-1951." United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. "Heros Journey : Summary of Steps." Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction | Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. "Organizational Culture." This site has been updated. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. Strochlitz&. "How Elie Wiesel Got the Nobel Peace Prize | Elie Wiesel Cons the World How Elie Wiesel Got the Nobel Peace Prize | A Blog Dedicated to Finding out the Truth about Elie Wiesel's Tattoo." Elie Wiesel Cons the World | A Blog Dedicated to Finding out the Truth about Elie Wiesel's Tattoo. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. "What is a Hero? What is a Sacrifice? - Kastom's Thoughts." A Friendly Place For Creative Anime Fans. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2012.. MLA formatting by

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