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Phonics Review Base Word -er-est hot slow brave slim silly shiny Name _____________________________________ Day 4 A Froggy Fable.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonics Review Base Word -er-est hot slow brave slim silly shiny Name _____________________________________ Day 4 A Froggy Fable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonics Review Base Word -er-est hot slow brave slim silly shiny Name _____________________________________ Day 4 A Froggy Fable

2 Day 4A Froggy Fable

3 Today we will learn: * Vocabulary: Amazing new words * Phonics: Review Comparative endings _er, _est * Spelling: Final Syllable _le * Words: High-Frequency words * Comprehension Skill: Use Background Knowledge * Fluency: Fluency and Appropriate Rate * Conventions: Adjectives & Our Senses * Writing: Revise Friendly Letter: Add Sentences * Media Literacy: Describe Media Techniqu es

4 THE BIG QUESTION... How do things change? How do they stay the same?

5 QUESTION OF THE WEEK: How can familiar things help us with changes? Sing with Me Animations

6 Phonics Review thinner thinnest What do you know about the way the base word was changed when endings were added? The final consonant was doubled before adding _er or _est.

7 Phonics Review cuter cutest What do you know about the way the base word was changed when endings were added? The silent “e” was dropped before adding _er or _est.

8 Phonics Review sunnier sunniest What do you know about the way the base word was changed when endings were added? The “y” was changed to “i” before adding _er or _est.

9 Phonics Review sunnier sunniest How many things does a word ending in -er compare? How many things does a word ending in - est compare? Worksheet to practice.....

10 Phonics Review Base Word -er-est hot slow brave slim silly shiny Name _____________________________________ Day 4 A Froggy Fable

11 Phonics Review Base Word _er_est hothotterhottest slowslowerslowest bravebraverbravest slimslimmerslimmest sillysilliersilliest shinyshiniershiniest Let’s Practice It p. 177

12 Spiral Review flymightwarmcrystable littlemotherpieskypurple fatherstumblehighagobridle sightfamilyapplemytable

13 Fluent Word Reading 1. Father baked the warm apple pie that is on the table.

14 Fluent Word Reading 2. At sight of the bee, little Sam began to cry and stumble away.

15 Fluent Word Reading 3. My mother told me the bridle might be in the stable.

16 Fluent Word Reading 4. My family likes to fly kites high in the sky.

17 Fluent Word Reading 5. Nick rode his purple bike two days ago.

18 Guide Comprehension Paired eSelections

19 Guide Comprehension How does Ben feel about leaving his home? What evidence helps you draw a conclusion?

20 Guide Comprehension What do you know about frogs to help you understand why Ben doesn’t want to stay with the lizards?

21 Guide Comprehension What evidence can you find in the text that Ben is a kind and caring bullfrog?

22 Background Knowledge What do you know about frogs and prairies that helps you understand the prairie is probably not a good home for Ben?

23 Draw Conclusions Do you think Ben will be happy in his new home? What evidence can you find to support your answer?

24 What facts and details tell you this is a Tall Tale? Genre

25 Fluency Follow Along: pages 35-37 Routine-Paired Reading pages 38-39 Monitor Progress: Check Fluency

26 Conventions: Adjectives On Your Own: Reader’s & Writer’s Notebook, p. 300 Adjectives can tell how something looks, feels, smells, or sounds. The wonderful, old, castle was built of stone.

27 Writing Prompt Yesterday we wrote a letter to persuade Frog to visit a new place. Today we will revise it to make it more interesting to the reader.

28 Writing -- Friendly Letter Revising Strategy Model: Adding Sentences 1. Add sentences with adjectives to provide supporting details. 2. Add sentences to catch the reader’s interest. Writing Transparency 16 B


30 Revising Tips: 1. Add sentences to catch the interest of the reader. 2. Add sentences with adjectives to provide supporting details for your main idea and persuade the reader.

31 Quick Write for Fluency Listen... Talk: Which sentence is the main idea and which are supporting details? Write: Write a main idea about a good vacation place. Share: Orally add a supporting detail to the main idea.

32 Media Literacy

33 Music can influence our feelings. Soft, slow music can make us feel relaxed and help us listen more closely. Suspenseful music can convey danger or excitement.

34 Media Literacy

35 Wrap Up Your Day Phonics: Identify the syllables: tumble eagle bridle maple Fluency: I was able to sample the warm apple pie before my mother set it on the table for my family.

36 Next Time... You will hear more about the story The Good Gift.

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