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“A swot Analysis of Directorate of Pre- Degree Programmes and Recommendation for Propelling Wealth Creation for the University” A Paper Presented by Prof.

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Presentation on theme: "“A swot Analysis of Directorate of Pre- Degree Programmes and Recommendation for Propelling Wealth Creation for the University” A Paper Presented by Prof."— Presentation transcript:

1 “A swot Analysis of Directorate of Pre- Degree Programmes and Recommendation for Propelling Wealth Creation for the University” A Paper Presented by Prof. E. B. Kolawole (FMAN, FNIER, FNICEMA) Director, Pre-Degree Programmes Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti. @ The EKSU IGR Summit On Thursday 28 th January, 2016

2 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PRE-DEGREE PROGRAMMES The Pre-Degree Programme (formerly known as Remedial Programme) commenced in 1983 to cater for candidates in Faculty of Science who were not privileged to secure admission directly through JAMB. 1995/1996: Remedial Programmed transformed to Pre-Degree Science. 1999/2000: Pre-Degree Education Programme was established.

3 2001/2002: Pre-Degree Art tacked Pre-Degree Humanities was established. 2005/2006: The Directorate of Pre-Degree Programmes comprising Education, Humanities and Science was established headed by Directors assisted by Assistant Directors of the three units, no Secretary but each unit has administrative Secretary.

4 Cont’d 2012/2013: The Programme was enlarged to embrace all academic programmes in the University with four options: Arts, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences. Each option is headed by Assistant Director, the Management Team includes: Director, 4 Assistant Directors, Secretary, Administrative Secretaries, and Directorate Account. 2015/2016: Resuscitation of Pre-Degree Education and Establishment of Pre-Degree Agricultural Science.

5 MISSION OF THE PROGRAMME The missions of the Programme are to: Source quality students for the University’s degree Programme and reduce the rate of dropouts from the University. Ensure adequate preparation of eligible high school graduate for degree Programmes. Create opportunity for prospective students who could not be admitted into degree Programmes in the University through the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

6 Ensure the intellectual development of the students in the areas of critical thinking, Oral and Writing skills. Set up the Programme as self financing and a revenue generating academic unit of the University.

7 CORE VALUES Harmonious staff – student relationship Academic integrity Open administration Accountability and probity Respect for natural endowment Effective resource management Effective staff and student welfare.

8 STRENGTHS OF THE DIRECTORATE OF PRE-DEGREE PROGRAMMES FROM 2012/2013 SESSION T0 DATE DPDP Offers all the Programmes in the University give rooms for more prospective candidates for the Programme. Micro University nature of the Programme i.e. the Programme deals with all the Faculties in the University, the entire University community and the Country as a whole. Abundance of human and Physical resources (students, Lecturers, Personnels and formidable stakeholders of the programme. Attractive honourarium for the Instructors even though none for the Director and Assistant Directors and other Stakeholders. Excellent performance of our students in both internal and external examination. Most of the time our product is usually the best overall best student for the University. Admission opportunity for our students into all the Degree Programmes in the University through Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).

9 ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE DIRECTORATE OF PRE-DEGREE PROGRAMMES FROM 2012/2013 SESSION T0 DATE Translation of the Programmes from the regular academic calendar year to an annual Programme as dictated by JAMB. Stable Academic calendar from 2012/2013 session up to date. Against all odds of workers strikes (Local and National), DPDP recorded a great feat of maintaining smooth uninterrupted academic sessions No academic session was lost from 2012/2013 up to date. The Programme recorded successful graduation of 4 sets of students 2011/2012, 2012/2013 2013/2014, 2014/2015 and the 5 th set 2015/2016 session by His grace will be graduated on record time in due course.

10 Reliable and vibrant DPDP Management team, Academic board made up of all the Deans of Faculties Directors of Academic Units. And the Governing Board made up of University Management under the good leadership of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deans of the Faculties, and the Directors of Academic Units. A dividend of over N300 million naira from Pre-Degree students through the University 2 cancelled academic sessions. Generating more IGR than expected sessional IGR budget. Training of Staff – Induction /training course for all the Instructors and Assistant Directors on teaching methods, Test Constructions and Principles of Tests and Measurement. Directorate of Pre-Degree Programmes holds monthly meetings with the instructors to know the level of coverage of the syllabi or course outlines. Daily interactive section of the Director with the students.

11 Challenges and Recommendations with Respect to IGR ChallengesSource (s)Recommendation (s) Inadequate of funding of DPDPBursary, Operation University take all syndrome. Grateful to my Vice-Chancellor for coming to our rescue to this respect may God bless you and the University. A stable/reliable/reasonable MOU between the University and DPDP is required. Internet/CBT FacilitiesICT Centre and UniversitiesInternet room and facilities at Ifaki Campus should be upgraded for the training of Pre-Degree students for proficiency in computer towards JAMB/UTME/CBT for a token. Paper/Pencil Examination for qualifying examination and internal examinations Lack of fundsICT/CBT centre should take over all qualifying examination and internal examinations at a token.

12 ChallengesSource (s)Recommendation(s) Registration for UTMEIndividual student is free to register at anywhere. All students should register from University CBT centre at the normal cost. Students Admission(a)Low inadequate funding to embark on far and wide publicity. (b)Existence of ABUA/FUOYE Federal Polytechnic, College of Education, School of Nursing etc. Publicity Drive through Dallies/Television and Radio Untimely payment. School fees. Low patronage of the students. High school fees Defaulting students should be barred from attending lectures, tests and examinations. Payment of fees twice i.e. before first semester and second semester examinations.

13 ChallengesSource (s)Recommendation(s) Unstable University Calendar(a) Instability on the regular Programme (b) Delay in advertisement of Pre-Degree Programmes Adoption of Permanent calendar of May – June calendar Hostel Accommodationa) Present conditions of Hostels are very unattractive and not conducive. b) Only 89 bed spaces out of 512 bed spaces are presently occupied at N25,000.00 per bed space. Totally 12.8 Million but overall from 512 students is 79.36 Million Make the hostels more attractive, conducive with availability of all necessary facilities. If all bed spaces are occupied is a lot of money. TransportationNone creating communication gaps between the DPDP and the University community. Provision of bus (i) for students to ply Ado-Campus- Ifaki route at a token fees of N50.00 (ii) Provision of bus for the DPDP staff as done to Part- time and SLT.

14 ChallengesSource (s)Recommendation(s) BookshopsNone, University Printing Press. a) Establishment of bookshop b) Printing of notebooks, stationeries for the student and staff. Market stallsNone, Physical planning unitEstablishment of market stalls for Ifaki Campus Community. Rent of this market stalls will bring in a lot of money for the University. Staffing of the DPDPMode of employment in other Universities namely O.A.U Ife and Akungba Akoka. Only the Director, Assistant Directors and Instructors are employed by the University. All the administrative staff and instructors are employed and paid by the DPDP through the MOU of 40% of school fees paid by the students. University could look at the present mode of staffing and that of Ife and Akungba and the financial implication and decide.

15 Thanks for listening

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