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About Contractions, muscle disorders, and the effects of exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "About Contractions, muscle disorders, and the effects of exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 About Contractions, muscle disorders, and the effects of exercise

2 Types of contractions w Isometric contractions- muscle does not shorten & no movement occurs. Ex.- pushing against a wall w Isotonic contractions - produces movement at a joint such as walking, running or breathing w Twitch contractions- quick jerky contraction w Tetanic contractions – contractions which do not relax

3 Atrophy w Atrophy is when muscles shrink in mass from lack of use. w Why do you think this occurs?

4 It’s not a bad thing… w Muscular hypertrophy- increase in muscle size

5 MUSCULAR DISORDERS w Myo – prefix that means “muscle” w Myalgia – muscle pain w Myopathies – muscle disorders

6 MUSCULAR DISORDERS w Injury Strain – tearing or stretching fibers, caused by overexertion or trauma A strain near a joint can be a SPRAIN Inflammation – myositis Crush injuries can release muscle contents and cause kidney failure Stress can cause neck and back pain

7 MUSCULAR DISORDERS w Infections Poliomyelitis was an infection of muscles that caused paralysis and often death. The president Franklin Delano Roosevelt had polio and spent most of his adult life in a wheelchair. “Polio” was common in the early 20 th century has nearly been eliminated by a comprehensive vaccination program.

8 MUSCULAR DISORDERS w Muscular Dystrophy A genetic disease Is actually a group of disorders characterized by muscle atrophy Is often fatal

9 MUSCULAR DISORDERS w Multiple Sclerosis An autoimmune disease characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness

10 Effects of exercise w Muscular hypertrophy- increase in muscle size w Improved tone and posture w More efficient heart and lung function w Decreased fatigue

11 Strength training w Increases the number of microfilaments in each fiber w Increases muscle mass

12 Endurance training w Increases the muscles’ ability to sustain moderate exercise over a long period w Also called “cardio” or “aerobic” exercise w Does not usually result in hypertrophy More blood vessels develop to meet the need of the muscles. This increases efficiency of delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles.

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